Hybrid train at a station

Hydrogen technologies as alternative drives in the railway sector

Bringing hydrogen trains safely to the rails

Bringing hydrogen trains safely to the rails

Hydrogen powering the railway sector: ALTERNATIVE DRIVES FOR THE FUTURE

"The topics around sustainability and particularly energy efficiency are fostering the development of alternative drives for all kinds of mobility. The global rail market is following this trend and especially hydrogen technologies and hybrid train solutions will increase in the future. Of course these new hybrid train solutions offer several advantages but with all new technologies also new challenges arise to assure harmonized interfaces, evaluate all possible risks and ensure safe operation. Since suitable regulations are still under development, it requires independent safety assessment with special competence in these technologies.”

Tolga Wichmann

Head of Rail Task Force Hydrogen and Senior Assessor Fire Safety & Alternative Propulsion at TÜV SÜD

Infographic: Hydrogen powering the railway sector

As the world changes, so does the fight against global warming, climate change and resource shortage.

These challenges increase the need to reduce energy consumption and emissions and to provide sustainable solutions in nearly all industry sectors – particularly in transportation. This drives stakeholders in the rail industry to explore alternative solutions for the future.

With the latest developments in alternative drives, such as traction battery and hydrogen technologies, operators and governments around the world are increasingly leaning towards hybrid train solutions.

By 2030, the global hybrid train market size is projected to grow by a CAGR of 5.5%. In comparison to traditional catenary-independent drives, hybrid train solutions are more environmentally friendly as they reduce greenhouse gas emissions, other air contaminants and noise. In the long-term, they are also more efficient and potentially more cost-effective

The infographic below illustrates how hydrogen trains work as well as the basic concepts for providing energy to alternative drives in the rail industry and addresses the importance of hazard analysis and risk estimation for hydrogen trains

Click here to download the infographic


Infogrraphic Hydrogen Powering the Railway Sector


Hydrogen train

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