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Early Career Delegate Package Global Flow Workshop

12 April 2024

Early-Career Delegate Package Introduced for TÜV SÜD Global Flow Measurement Workshop

two young engineers in facilityNew for the 2024 Global Flow Measurement Workshop, TÜV SÜD has introduced an enhanced delegate ticket intended for anyone new to flow measurement both in a technical and non-technical capacity, and particularly for those in the early stages of their career.

The package includes a half-day training course, 'An Overview of Flow Metrology and Measurement', prior to the workshop. Led by TÜV SÜD Principal Consultant and Global Flow Measurement Workshop Chair, Colin Lightbody, the course will provide you with context and information on the topics that will be discussed in detail throughout the subsequent days at the conference. The knowledge you gain will help you get more from the presentations.

Tickets are limited, and so we request that only those who have not previously completed any TÜV SÜD flow-related training take advantage of this rate.

Early-career standard tickets are priced at £1600 with an early-bird rate of £1440 available until 31 July 2024. The ticket includes:

  • Monday half-day training course
    • The Basics of Fluid Flow - An introduction to the basic theory of fluid flow and measurement technology
    • Traditional Flow Measurement Technology - A description of flow measurement techniques that are well established in the industry
    • Modern Flow Measurement Technology - A description of modern or developing flow measurement technologies
    • Measurement Uncertainty - A description of the basic theory of measurement uncertainty
  • Full conference and exhibition access
  • Social event at the OGV Taproom
  • Gala dinner
  • Lunch and refreshments across all days

We look forward to welcoming the next generation of flow measurement engineers who will play a pivotal role in measuring for the energy transition.

Contact [email protected] for further information or find out more on our registration page.


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