Your regular update for technical and industry information
Your regular update for technical and industry information
California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) first proposed rulemaking1 to the short-form warnings in January 2021 and issued modifications to the original regulatory text in December 2021. During both comment periods on the proposed and revised rules, the industry widely opposed the regulations and argued that the plan would increase compliance costs at a time of economic stress due to the pandemic and would trigger more litigation by bounty hunters.
On 5 April 2022, OEHHA issued its second notice of modification2 to the proposed amendments to avoid the short-form warning overused by companies.
OEHHA is proposing to further amend the proposed regulatory text after considering comments received during the first modifications in December 2021. Comments are due by 20 April 2022.
The important changes proposed in the second amendments include:
For example, for an exposure to a listed carcinogen, the options of consumer product warning languages in the latest proposed regulations are:
WARNING [OR CA WARNING / CALIFORNIA WARNING]: Cancer risk from exposure to [name of chemical] -
WARNING [OR CA WARNING / CALIFORNIA WARNING]: Can expose you to [name of chemical], a carcinogen -
[2] OEHHA Notice Second Modification of Text for Proposed Amendment, April 2022
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