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Israel: Approving national mandatory standard on household refrigerating appliances

March 2022 - Electrical and Electronics

In force (since Mar 02, 2022)


The Notice November 2021 was issued by the Israeli Minister of Economy and Industry on 4 November 2021. It announced the mandatory application of the following standards from 2nd March 2022:


  • SI 62552 Part 1 Household refrigerating appliances - Characteristics and test methods: General requirements
  • SI 62552 Part 2 Household refrigerating appliances - Characteristics and test methods: Performance requirements
  • SI 62552 Part 3 Household refrigerating appliances - Characteristics and test methods: Energy consumption and volume

These standards will replace the SI 62552 parts 1 and 2, which was revised in March 2014. Both the old version of the standard and this new revised standard are applicable until 24th February 2023. During this time, products can be tested either according to the old or the newly revised standards.


Publication References

Israeli Gazette, File No. 9773, 02.12.2021

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