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France: Childcare article standards under Decree No. 91-1292 updated


On 8 February 2020, the Official Journal of the French Republic published a notice1 updating the standards list that gives presumption of conformity to Decree No.91-12922 relating to the prevention of the risks arising from the use of childcare articles. This notice updated certain standards by reference to the latest version and withdrew one standard.

The previous European standards EN 1130-1 Safety requirement and EN 1130-2 Test methods for children’s cribs had been combined into a single standard EN 1130:2019. For alignment, France replaced NF EN 1130-1 and -2 by the new version NF EN 1130 (November 2019) Childcare Furniture: Cradles - Safety Requirements and Test Methods. Manufacturers can use the old version standards to show the compliance with the Decree until 1 February 2021.

France has recently published notice to clarify3 product scope of the childcare articles Decree No.91-1292, products such as mosquito nets, parasols and rain covers for strollers are no longer within the scope, therefore the reference to safety standard NF S 54-043 (September 2015) was withdrawn and removed from the list.

[1] Notice updating the childcare articles standards under Decree No.91-1292

[2] Decree No. 91-1292 relating to the prevention of the risks arising from the use of childcare articles

[3] Notice on clarification of product scope of the childcare articles Decree No.91-1292

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