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EAEU: Technical regulations on energy efficiency requirements for energy-consuming devices, Decision No. 114, 2019 approved


The Eurasian Economic Commission (EAEU) authorised Decision No. 114 approving TR CU 048/2019 - the technical regulations on energy efficiency requirements of energy-consuming devices on 8 August 2019. These requirements focus on environment protection and energy efficiency, also the avoidance of actions that mislead consumers regarding energy efficiency of energy-consuming devices.

The product category of the Decision consists of: refrigerators, freezers, electric induction motors, televisions, household washing machines, dishwashers, electric lamps, circulation pumps, fans, vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, household and office appliances and others. And those appliances which meet the requirements of these technical regulations and other related EAEU requirements must be labelled and marked after passing the conformity assessment procedure and before being placed on the market or put into circulation. The label and unified mark requirements are illustrated below.

The label on one satisfactory energy-consuming device must contains:

  • the name and (or) designation of the device (type, make, model if available),
  • its main features and energy efficiency characteristics,
  • the name and/or the manufacturer's trade mark (if any),
  • country of origin.

Devices should comply with the information mentioned on their label, and that information also should be specified in the annexed operational documents.
The unified mark must be affixed on each unit of the device apparently throughout its entire service life. Also, it should be contained in the manufacturer’s technical documentation of related product.

Key dates:



January 23, 2020

Entry into Force of Decision No.114

September 1, 2021

Entry into Force of Technical Regulation 048/2019

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