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France: Standard update for playground equipment, Decree No. 94-699 

DEcember 2018 - hardlines

On 20 December 2018, the Official Journal of the French Republic published a notice1 on opinion on the application of Decree No. 94-6992 of 10 August 1994 laying down the safety requirements for playground equipment. This notice contains the references of the standards which can be used in application of the Decree No. 94-699 of fixing the requirements of safety relating to the playground equipment. The summary of the standards is in the table as follows:

Index of the standard

Title of the standard

NF EN 1176-1
(October 2017)

Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 1: General safety requirements and test methods

NF EN 1176-2
(October 2017)

Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 2: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for swings

NF EN 1176-3
(October 2017)

Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 3: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for slides

NF EN 1176-4
(October 2017)

Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 4: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for cableways

NF EN 1176-5
(October 2008)

Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 5: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for carousels

NF EN 1176-6
(October 2017)

Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 6: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for rocking equipment

NF EN 1176-10
(September 2008)

Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 10: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for fully enclosed play equipment

NF EN 1176-11(September 2014)

Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 11: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for spatial network

It is prohibited to manufacture, import, hold for sale, offer for sale or distribute free of charge and rent playground equipment that do not meet the requirements of this decree. Compliance with safety requirement must affix labeling "Complies with safety requirements" by the importer or the manufacturer on the playground equipment and on its packaging.

For the purposes of this Decree, the playground equipment is an equipment and a set of equipment intended for use by children for play purposes, regardless of the place where they are set up. However, the provisions of this decree do not apply to entertainment equipment, aquatic equipment and equipment intended, by their characteristics, for exclusively family use.

The standards adopted by the national standardization institutes of the Member States of the European Union and of the States Parties to the Agreement establishing the European Economic Area or of Turkey, transposing the corresponding European standards, are recognised as equivalent.

[1] Notice for opinion on the application of Decree No. 94-699
[2] Decree No. 94-699 on the safety requirements for playground equipment


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