Your regular update for technical and industry information

Your regular update for technical and industry information

Germany: The list of standards and other technical specifications under ProdSG updated

SEPTEMBER 2019 - Relevant for: Hardlines, Softlines, Toys and childrens products

In the Joint Ministerial Journal No. 22 of 24 July 2019, p. 4311, the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Baua) has announced the updated list of standards and other technical specifications identified by the Product Safety Commission (AfPS), that provide the presumption of conformity to the German Product Safety Law - ProdSG.

Highlights of standards among the updated lists are:

  1. DIN 32935 September 2018 Home sports equipment; Non-stationary tension and pression training equipment - Safety requirements and test methods
  2. DIN EN 1860-1 September 2018 appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for barbecueing Part1: barbecues burning solid fuels-requirements and test method German version EN 1860-1: 2013 + A1: 2017 + AC: 2017
  3. DIN ISO 8442-9 September 2018 Materials and articles in contact with Foodstuffs - Cutlery and Tableholloware -Part 9: Requirements for ceramic knives (ISO 8442-9: 2018); German version EEN ISO 8442-9: 2018
  4. DIN 58124 October 2018 Satchels - Requirements and Testing
  5. DIN EN 16232 October 2018 Child Use and Care Articles - Infant Swings; German Version En 16232: 2013 + A1: 2018
  6. DIN 18860-1 October 2018 Equipment for Commercial Kitchens - Working Tables - Part 1: Open Working Tables - Requirements and Testing
  7. DIN 18860-2 October 2018 Equipment for Commercial Kitchens - Working Tables - Part 2: Working Tables with Substructures - Requirements and Testing
  8. DIN 18861-1 October 2018 Equipment for Commercial Kitchens – Dishwashing Facilities and Sinks -
    Part 1: Dishwashing Facilities - Requirements and Testing
  9. DIN 18861-2 October 2018 Equipment for Commercial Kitchens – Dishwashing Facilities and Sinks - Part 2: Sinks - Requirements and Testing
  10. DIN 18861-3 October 2018 Equipment for Commercial Kitchens – Dishwashing Facilities and Sinks - Part 3: Hand Rinse Basin - Requirements and Testing
  11. DIN 18861-4 October 2018 Equipment for Commercial Kitchens – Dishwashing Facilities and Sinks - Part 4: Spill Basins - Requirements and Testing
  12. DIN 18861-5 October 2018 Equipment for Commercial Kitchens – Dishwashing Facilities and Sinks - Part 5: Combination Hand Rinse Basin and Wastewater Sink- Requirements and Testing
  13. DIN ISO 12858-2 September 2018 Optics and optical instruments -Ancillary devices for geodetic instruments - Part 2: Tripods (ISO 12858-2: 1999 + Amd.1: 2013)


[1] Announcement in the Joint Ministerial Journal No. 22 of 24 July 2019, p. 431

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