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EU: Kick scooters standard EN 14619:2019 published

 August 2019 - Relevant for: Hardlines, TOYS AND CHILDREN'S PRODUCTS

EN 14619:2019 was published in July, 2019, and supersedes the 2015 version.

EN 14619 applies to kick scooters that can only be propelled by the muscular activity of a user with a body mass of more than 20 kg and less than 100 kg. Kick scooters for use by users of less than 20 kg do not belong to the scope of this standard. It should also be noted that there are two types of scooters for the weight group 20 kg to 50 kg – those classified as sports equipment for use on public roads and path ways (this European Standard) and those classified as toys for domestic use (according to EN 71-1).

Compared to the 2015 version, the main revisions are:

  1. In clause 4.2.2, Class B kick scooter has been further clarified as those with a max. height of the scooter (handle bar including handgrips or the joy stick) of 74 cm;
  2. Clause 4.3.3 has been updated, the steering column, if it is sliding, shall be adjusted for height, and have a permanent mark than indicates the minimum insertion depth of the column if it is possible that the user can move the steering column above that indication without extra tooling;
  3. The handle bar impact test according to clause 5.4 has been added to the order of tests in 5.2.1;
  4. Figure 6 and the references in the text have been deleted.

EN 14619:2019 replaces EN 14619:2015 with immediate effect. European countries are required to publish the new standard and withdrawn the previous version by latest Jan 31, 2020.   

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