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On 19 June 2018, Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for safety standard for stationary activity centers1 in Federal Register.
Stationary Activity Center (SAC), according to ASTM F2012-18e12’s definition, is a freestanding product intended to remain stationary that enables a sitting or standing occupant whose torso is completely surrounded by the product to walk, rock, play, spin or bounce, or all of these, within a limited range of motion. The intended users of SACs are children who have not yet reached the developmental milestone of walking. The product is intended for children who are able to hold up their heads unassisted.
The Commission concludes that the current voluntary standard, ASTM F2012-18e1, sufficiently addresses many of the general hazards associated with the use of the product and proposes to incorporate by reference ASTM F2012-18e1 in the mandatory safety standard, without change.
The Commission also proposes that the standard become effective 6 months after publication of a final rule in the Federal Register.
Comments regarding the proposed rule shall be submitted to the Commission by 4 September 2018.
[1] CPSC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for safety standard for stationary activity centers
[2] ASTM F2012-18e1
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