About us

Ian Owens



Ian OwensIan Owens


Tell us about yourself

I have worked mainly as a Health and Safety Manager for approximately 25 years in a variety of industries including oil and gas, automotive, warehousing and distribution along with a mix of manufacturing facilities.

I qualified as a Certified Machinery Safety Expert (CMSE®) and have subsequently brought companies into full compliance with the Provision of Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER).

I started working for TÜV SÜD in September 2023 as a Technical Trainer, delivering machinery safety training courses to individuals and companies.

Why did you choose to join TÜV SÜD?

TÜV SÜD is a large organisation with a growing training academy and has a reputation for being a global leader in the field of machinery safety.

Where do you work?

I work from home delivering training online and also travel to customer sites to deliver training face to face.

What are your main areas of expertise?

PUWER compliance.

What does your role involve?

Development of training material for delivery to customers and then delivering that material.

What most interests you about your role?

Meeting people and engaging them in the topics I present.

What exciting developments have you seen at TÜV SÜD since you started?

The potential of having a centre of excellence delivering training with ‘real life’ examples for delegates to get their hands on!

What future trends do you see developing in your area of work?

Virtual reality to make the training more ‘liveable’ for the delegates.

Describe your fellow workers in five words

Dedicated, hardworking, great teamworkers.

Find out more about our full range of training courses which includes functional safety courses, cybersecurity and EMC and EMF safety training.


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