"TÜV SÜD Group understands the fundamental importance of ethical business and supply chain operations. We continue to monitor, review and take reasonable steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking do not prevail in any aspect of our business. We acknowledge our continued responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and, accordingly, have produced this Statement with respect to the prevention of modern slavery for the financial
year ending 31 December 2020."
TÜV SÜD AG is the parent Company of the TÜV SÜD Group ("the Group"). TÜV SÜD's ränge of Services covers certification and testing, inspection, auditing and System certification, knowledge Services and training. We operate in the Testing, Inspection, Certification market äs a technical Services provider.
At present, about 25,000 employees around the world are committed to providing value to our customers via our suite of Services. TÜV SÜD AG is not listed on the stock exchange. It is owned by TÜV SÜD e.V. and the TÜV SÜD Foundation, which hold 74.9 % and 25.1 % of the shares respectively. This Statement outlines the Group's approach to tackling slavery and human trafficking.
As a Service provider, our supply chains are primarily related to the procurement of support Services and materials to deliver our specialist technical Services. We expect our suppliers to adhere to our Standard procurement terms and conditions which ensure that our supply chains are contractually obligated to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We continue to engage with our suppliers regularly to collaboratively ensure compliance.
The TÜV SÜD Code of Ethics describes the values and principles which employees and suppliers are expected to uphold. All employees receive training on the Code of Ethics and yearly refreshers on Compliance. This is complemented by a robust Compliance organisational structure with representation at Local, Regional and Global levels. These values and principles are addressed in greater detail through specific local policies.
Our recruitment practices ensure that hired individuals are free to work. All employees benefit from working conditions and terms and conditions of employment that meet or exceed all applicable legislation including working hours, holiday, pay and equality. All offers of work made by the Group are accepted on an entirely voluntary basis.
Since Publishing its first Statement, the Company has made progress in standardising vendor questionnaires and ensuring these are fit for the purpose in meeting its Obligation under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
TÜV SÜD conducts online and face to face training for its employees to emphasize the importance of acting with integrity and in line with our internal Code of Ethics. Key staff and employees are briefed on the existence of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and of their individual and collective responsibilities. This Statement has been approved by the Board of TÜV AG on behalf of TÜV SÜD Group.
March 2021
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Stepken
- Chairman of the Board –
Middle East and Africa