Minimize risk through risk management and property loss control solutions
Minimize risk through risk management and property loss control solutions
GRC Connect is a full-featured, easy-to-use information system that can be accessed from any internet connection. In addition to serving as an electronic "file cabinet" for all reports, diagrams, and project reviews, it provides access to documents and data downloads, as well as various summary and analysis reports for each of the services provided to your company.
Assessing and mitigating risk is an ongoing process for busy Risk Managers, who need continual, easy access to detailed loss prevention information. With the help of our clients, we have developed an automated data management system that is simple to use and understand. From a single source, you have access to the information you need to focus on the largest risk exposures and to manage your valuable data with ease.
GRC Connect organizes and correlates data to effectively and efficiently benchmark locations, evaluate trends, assemble marketing summaries, manage recommendations, and access documents from anywhere in the world.
Unique in the industry, GRC Connect provides access to all loss prevention information from a single, secure application, including Fire, Boiler & Machinery, Infrared, Jurisdictional and Natural Hazards. Using an assigned User ID and password, you can access important documents, such as current and archived reports, plan/project reviews, loss estimates, C.O.P.E. data, servicing/scheduling information, management reports and more. Multilevel access lets you control who can access specific information based on your company’s needs: corporate (all), division (as identified) and location (by user/by location).
Middle East and Africa