certification mark

Certification mark for playground equipment Z2_167

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Adding value with our service portfolio

Certification mark for playground equipment



This certification mark applies to stationary playground equipment for public playgrounds and playgrounds at kindergartens, Schools and similar facilities. Excluded from the scope are adventure playgrounds. The playground equipment can be used by one or more children.

Basis of certification:

The certification mark is based on the EN 1176 standard. This standard defines the safety-related requirements for playground equipment, i.e. the criteria that must be fulfilled by playground equipment to protect children from dangers.

Key words of the certification mark:


  • EN 1176
    Testing is based on the EN 1176 standard (see Basis of certification).
  • Extra-strong cushioning
    The statement “extra-strong cushioning” is based on a sub-aspect of the EN 1176-2 standard ( “Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 2: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for swings”) and refers to the cushioning membrane of large round swing seats, referred to as ‘nest swings’ or ‘bird nest swings’.

    The surface compression must not exceed 90 N/cm2 On all models tested and certified so far, these values were significantly under 20 N/cm2. (Detailed information can be found in clause 4.6.3 of EN 1176-2.)
  • Entrapment-protected mesh mat
    The nest swings certified by TÜV SÜD are made of a mesh mat that does not allow arms and legs to slip through (Detailed information can be found in clause of EN 1176-1, which specifies the requirements to avoid hazardous situations that might cause entrapment of the foot or leg.)
  • Safety tested
    The voluntary certification mark with the statement “Safety tested” is issued for products, indicating that the product was tested and certified by the independent third-party organisation of TÜV SÜD Product Service for conformity with the essential technical safety requirements.
  • Production monitored

    Periodic surveillance and/or monitoring of the manufacture of a product constitutes the basic premise for certification that includes the award of a certification mark. Certification always requires product testing and regular factory inspections.

    As a third-party expert organisation, TÜV SÜD Product Service verifies that the manufacturer is able to maintain consistent quality in line with the requirements throughout high-volume production and has established the necessary quality system, including incoming goods inspections, lists of materials and final product testing.

    In addition, calibration of the necessary measuring and monitoring equipment must be ensured. Surveillance and/or monitoring covers the testing of safety-critical components and other materials used. If unauthorised changes are made to the product, the certificate will become invalid (withdrawn) and the TÜV SÜD certification mark may no longer be used.

