ESD 2  Indonesia

ESD S20. 20

Electrostatic Discharge Control Program Standard

Electrostatic Discharge Control Program Standard


Damage of electrical and electronic systems and components from electrostatic discharge (ESD) represents a significant source of waste for the electronics industry, and can compromise the quality and usefulness of electrical and electronic products. Part of overall electrical safety testing, a formal ESD facility control program can help reduce the incidence of component damage resulting from ESD, increase production throughput rates and minimize the likelihood of defect products reaching the market. Certification to ANSI/ESD S20.20 serves as an independent verification of the quality and effectiveness of an ESD control program.

TÜV SÜD is a S20:20 Certified Registrar, approved by the ESD Association and is able to carry out audits based on the standard.
First published in 1999, ANSI/ ESD S20.20 was created to help organisations design, develop, implement and maintain an electrostatic discharge control program to protect ESD-sensitive electrical or electronic parts, assemblies and equipment from being damaged by electrostatic discharges greater than or equal to 100 volts (human body model, or HBM) or 200 volts (charged device model, or CDM).

ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014 Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices) - This standard provides administrative and technical requirements for establishing, implementing, and maintaining an ESD Control Program to protect electrical or electronic parts, assemblies, and equipment susceptible to ESD damage from Human Body Model (HBM) discharges greater than or equal to 100 volts.


The electrostatic discharge control program described in ANSI/ESD S20.20 can be applied in any activity involving the manufacture, processing, assembly, installation, packaging, labelling, servicing, testing, inspection, transportation or other handling of electrical or electronic parts, assemblies and equipment that may be susceptible to damage from electrostatic discharges above these limits.

ANSI/ESD S20.20 is based on these fundamental static control principles:

  • All conductors in a given facility must be bonded or electrically connected and attached to a known ground or contrived ground;
  • All necessary non-conductors in a facility cannot be allowed to lose their electrostatic charge by attachment to or connection with ground; and
  • Moving or transporting ESD-sensitive items outside of an electrostatic discharge protected area requires the use of static protective materials.

Although the specific application of these principles may vary from facility to facility, they represent the essential requirements of the standard as it applies to the development of an appropriate ESD facility control plan.

Administrative Requirements

Technical Requirements

ESD Control Program Plan

Grounding / Bonding Systems

Training Plan Requirement

Personnel Grounding

Compliance Verification Plan

Protected Areas





Implementation guidelines are also provided after each requirement. As of January 1, 2016, ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014 becomes effective and ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007 is no longer applicable.


  • Minimise cost – through reducing component failures before they occur.
  • Enhance your reputation – with TÜV SÜD certificate that is recognised and accepted internationally.
  • Greater confidence and transparency – by partner with a highly professional, independent and impartial certification body.
  • Achieve customer satisfaction – through improving product quality.


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