Webinar on ISO 37001 Anti Bribery Management System

Discover the Key Requirements of ISO 37001 Anti Bribery Management System

On-demand Webinar

On-demand Webinar

Bribery has long been perceived as a major obstacle for socio-economic development, distorting national and international economic relations and eroding public trust. If an organisation fails to put an adequate anti-bribery measures in place, it can pose a substantial threat to both financial stability and market reputation.To minimise the risk of bribery, organisations need to design and implement an anti-corruption mechanism which follows global best practice.

ISO 37001 certification provides a framework for businesses operating anywhere in the world to assess internal anti-corruption processes and address any weaknesses, assist your organisation in preventing, detecting and addressing bribery, and focus on helping businesses mitigate the risk of bribery throughout their own operations and across value chains. ISO 37001 also acts as an effective tool to help organisations combat the risk of bribery and maintain customer trust in their product and service offerings

Find out the fundamental requirements of ISO 37001, the process, the objectives, and the key steps involved in implementing Anti Bribery Management System through TUV SUD expert in this webinar.

To view the webinar, fill up the form now.


• Introduction to ISO 37001

• ISO 37001 (Anti Bribery Management System) Fundamental

• Requirements and Objectives

• Steps to Implement Anti Bribery Management System

• Q&A Session


Subhan - TUV SUD Expert

Mr. Muhammad Subhan Muttaqin
Expert, TÜV SÜD

Mr. Muhammad Subhan Muttaqin joins TÜV SÜD Indonesia as an auditor and instructor. He is responsible for conducting training and audit related to QHSE, Energy Management System and Social Compliance with more than 10 years’ experience in various industries including multinational company, consultancy, training and certification body to develop the system, deliver training and audit services.

Mr. Muhammad Subhan Muttaqin has educational background in Environmental Engineering and hold some certifications, such Lead Auditor for some management system, SMK3, and also Training of Trainer from Kemnaker RI.

Learn more about our ISO 37001 Management System Certification  and our training courses.


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