Refrigerating systems, which incorporate at least one item of pressure equipment classified in category II or higher as of EU Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU, are assemblies as defined in the PED. A notified body, such as TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH, shall be involved in the manufacturing of these refrigerating systems as assemblies.
Would you like to have your refrigerating system certified according to PED or do you have any questions on placing your system on the market? If so, please contact our refrigeration experts. We will be happy to support you with the placement of your products on the market in line with the applicable EU Directives.
Depending on the country in which the refrigerating system will be installed, on-site inspection at the place of installation may be required. In Germany, the on-site inspection of refrigerating systems is governed by the German Regulation on Health and Safety in the Use of Work Equipment (Betriebssicherheitsverordnung, BetrSichV). Our experts can also support you and your customers in this area. For more information, please see: Refrigerating Systems – Inspections According to BetrSichV
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