The new era of rail innovation

The New Era of Rail Innovation

Existing trends - new challenges - adapted services

Existing trends - new challenges - adapted services

Rail's smart future

"Global trends are influencing rail's smart future - making rail services more dynamic, efficient, environmentally friendly and digital. But where new changes arise, new challenges emerge. Therefore also the services have to be adopted to these new innovations to ensure the safety and security of future railways."

René Bambor
Business Unit Manager Rail Services 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Infographic: The new era of rail innovation

The rising demand for passenger and freight capacity, against a backdrop of rapid global urbanisation and digitisation, is shaping the future development of the rail industry’s infrastructure, services and systems.

While the introduction of innovative technologies will have far-reaching and positive impacts, making rail services more dynamic, efficient and environmentally friendly; the rail industry must rise to the technical, safety and security challenges posed by this evolution.

The infographic below illustrates the gobal trends which influence rail's smart future and the new challenges which arise.

Click here to download the infographic



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