Meeting International Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Regulations

Meeting International Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Regulations

White paper

White paper

Revisions in emissions requirements and testing procedures will introduce compliance challenges for automotive manufacturers

New harmonised automotive emissions testing requirements for light vehicles are coming into effect that will evaluate compliance with more stringent emissions limits under both laboratory and real-world conditions. TÜV SÜD is working strongly to streamline the emissions testing process for light vehicles, and can assist automotive manufacturers in coordinating testing for compliance with new emissions testing requirements in major jurisdictions around the world. 

Why download the white paper?

  • Get an overview of the worldwide harmonised light vehicles test procedures (WLTP)
  • Get information about Europeans union's real driving emissions (RDE) testing regulations
  • Gain insights to the impact of WLTP and RDE on automotive manufacturers
  • Find out how TÜV SÜD is working to address the compliance challenge

Related Services: Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Testing | Homologation and Global Market Access | Automotive Component Testing 


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