Delivering real business benefits across key segments
Delivering real business benefits across key segments
Food products which are modified through biotechnological methods have been on the market for decades. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test qualifies and quantifies genetically modified organisms (GMO) present in your food or feed samples and provides you the independent verification you need to trade in confidence.
This is why, as part of our GMO screening process, we utilise state-of-the-art screening methods that provide a more cost-effective approach to identifying authorised and unauthorised GMOs.
Food production is more sophisticated and complex than it ever has been previously. This means that the range of GMOs and the diversity of them is also continually changing, which makes GMO detection harder than ever before.
Routine GMO screening is required because agricultural products that contain GMOs can unintentionally mix with non-GMO foods and feeds. This means that GMO detection is required across the entire supply chain to prevent cross contamination where GM crops can unintentionally enter non-GM food and feed production.
NGOs are now regularly performing GMO tests to ensure products are compliant. As a result, it is vital that your business stays abreast with developments and regulatory changes concerning GMOs in human food.
By continually undergoing testing for GMOs and committing to the detection of genetically modified organisms, you can ensure that your business meets food laws, and ensure that your food labels also meets legal requirements on GMOs.
TÜV SÜD is an independent certification body which is accredited to globally recognised standards. Our experienced experts can help you gain the trust of your customers by making sure that your products are of the highest possible quality. We offer comprehensive GMO detection services and a certification programme to perform quality control and assessment of GMO-status in the products and production.
Our GMO testing services include:
Detection of GMO presence is an essential part of GMO safety testing and GMO certification. Experts detect GMO presence with the help of two methods – DNA-based and protein-based methods.
The DNA-based GMO testing service involves analysing the genome of a place to identify the presence of genetic modification. Protein-based GMO detection is done through processes such as ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), lateral flow sticks and western blog.
GMO safety testing is done through two processes: DNA-based method and protein-based method.
A GMO certificate is issued to indicate that GMO certification is complete. It refers to completing the verification of GMO status in the products and production to be compliant with the respective requirements through sampling, on-site inspections, audits and document reviews.
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