Rail E-ssentials

Rail E-ssentials

Your regular update for technical and industry information

Your regular update for technical and industry information

TÜV SÜD ATISAE inspects Railway Maintenance Centres for the Spanish state railway safety agency, AGENCIA ESTATAL DE SEGURIDAD FERROVIARIA (AESF)

In March 2017, TÜV SÜD ATISAE (TSA) began a new contract with AESF for the performance of annual audits and inspections of all centres certified as per FOM 233/2006 and certified Entities Entrusted with Maintenance (EEM) as per Regulation 445/2011, as well as other workshops authorized by ADIF to be selected by the AESF. The purpose of these inspections is the maintenance of the corresponding certifications of said Maintenance Centres as per the national (FOM 233/2006) and European regulations (Regulation 445/2011).

TÜV SÜD ATISAE inspects Railway Maintenance Centres for the Spanish state railway safety agency (AESF)The AESF follows the Directorate General of Railways in its responsibilities and duties, which include the aforementioned FOM 233/2006, determining the procedure for certification of rolling stock centres and their operating conditions. This Ministerial Order establishes that the AESF will perform annual inspections of the rolling stock maintenance centres to check that they comply with the requirements stipulated in the order and maintain their certification. Similarly, these centres perform the maintenance that is the responsibility of the EEM. European Commission Regulation 445/2011 obliges the AESF to issue certificates to the freight wagon EEMs after evaluating their maintenance system. For this purpose, it is necessary to supervise the degree of compliance with the requirements of this regulation by all functions included in the maintenance system. For all these functions, the AESF works in conjunction with the TSA.

For the development of this project, TSA has a team of 12 engineers and it will be performed in various stages:

  • First, the TSA engineers undertake a advisory phase to determine performance procedures and check-lists in line with the new European regulations that will be used during on-site inspections after review and approval by the AESF. TSA has incorporated an IT system into this methodology for the production of reports, which also provides for computerized processing of information, monitoring thereof and the production of statistical data. During TÜV SÜD ATISAE technical inspections, tablets will be used to complete the check lists that will be completed as the audit progresses. This information will be uploaded to the software developed for the production of reports, statistics and monitoring of incidents.
  • A second phase will define the planning of inspections for approval by the AESF.
  • For each inspection visit, TSA will produce a report on the degree of compliance of the centres with regards to their technical capacity, professional competence and technical and administrative conditions. These reports will form part of the maintenance centre certification file.

During the inspections, TSA engineers will, among other aspects, review the following for each maintenance centre:

  • Availability and training of employees
  • Availability and suitability of resources and facilities
  • Qualifications
  • Plans, specifications and performance of maintenance
  • Quality Assurance and Testing
  • Management of safety alerts and warnings
  • Application of European and National regulations (Regulation 402/2013, Regulation 1078/2012, FOM 167/2015, etc.)
  • Application of AESF resolutions and recommendations
  • Equipment and Operation ETIS
  • Safety Management
  • Monitoring of suppliers

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