Adding value with our service portfolio
Adding value with our service portfolio
Eurasian Conformity (EAC) certification demonstrates that your products meet the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)’s regulations and standards for customs clearance and trading. Today, there are nearly 44 applicable certification and declaration schemes in the EAEU. Some of these schemes are mandatory and necessary for legal compliance.
An EAC certificate is essential if you intend to sell consumer products and industrial equipment into the EAEU. It demonstrates compliance with health and safety legislation and allows you to sell to a market of nearly 200,000 consumers in five countries across Eurasia.
Trading in the EAEU without EAC certification can result in fines and your product being impounded.
TÜV SÜD is highly knowledgeable of product legislation of the EAEU and our experts keep abreast of all changes and new regulations. Whatever sector you operate in, we offer comprehensive support and current information regarding certification of your products in accordance with EAEU regulations and standards.
Our experts partner with you throughout every phase with a solution tailored exactly to your needs, meaning you can access this market fast. We are an accredited provider of EAEU Certificates, including:
If you are new to the EAEU, our experts can help you prepare and compile all documentation and testing required to sell your products into the EAEU:
消費性產品 E-ssentials 涵蓋的產品類別包含:電子電器產品,食品、健康與美護產品、輕工產品、紡織品、玩具及兒童用品等產業相關的最新技術資訊,法規和標準更新等。
Overview of compliance requirements worldwide for electrical and electronic goods.
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