Ensure lift reliability through digital technologies
Ensure lift reliability through digital technologies
Lift maintenance can be a time and labour consuming task due to the lack of transparency and growing technological complexity. It has become increasing difficult to rely on the traditional way of diagnosing lift failure and reactive maintenance regimes to maintain high level of lift safety and availability.
Lift Manager had been installed on 117 existing lifts in a research and business park in Singapore. The lifts consist of 5 different brands and were installed over 11 different buildings. Prior to the installation of Lift Manager, the facility managers had to spend a large amount of time daily conducting routine check to ensure that the lifts are functioning safely and reliably for the users of the business park. Manual inspection and maintenance of such large number of lifts were time consuming, labour intensive and very expensive.
Unlike the proprietary systems offered by lift companies that only work on 1 brand and have a tedious and complicated retrofitting process, Lift Manager provides predictive maintenance for lifts of all ages, brands and models with simple installation process. Using data analytic, Lift Manager provides clear insights on lift operation and maintenance. It predicts the failure point of the lift components Therefore, reducing maintenance costs, time needed for conventional inspection and paperwork, and lift downtime.
Lift Manager is a predictive maintenance service that can be used with lifts of any age, brand and model, including existing lift system with different installation locations. The platform receives the lifts’ data and does analysis to detect anomalies, interpret defects and recommend actions to be taken based on Remaining Time to Downtime (RTD).
The lift downtime can be minimised by predicting the failure point of the lift components and replacing them before they fail. The predictive model algorithm has an accuracy of more than 80% as it leverages on our lift inspection and certification expertise of more than 30 years. As a result, the need of manual inspection and maintenance can be reduced greatly. Hence, reducing the labour and maintenance costs.
JTC Corporation (JTC) is the lead agency in Singapore to spearhead the planning, promotion and development of a dynamic industrial landscape. JTC has played a major role in Singapore's economic development journey by developing land and space to support the transformation of industries and create quality jobs. Over the decades, JTC pioneered cutting-edge industrial infrastructure solutions to meet the evolving needs of companies with each phase of industrialisation.
As Singapore transforms itself for the future, JTC will continue to develop specialised land and new innovative space to support and catalyse new industry clusters, to support the growth and transformation of industries and enterprises.
Master-planned and master-developed by JTC, one-north is a vibrant research and business park that serves as a fertile ground for research, innovation, and test-bedding. An icon of Singapore's knowledge economy, the 200-hectare development houses key growth sectors such as biomedical sciences, info-communications technology and media, and start-ups, supported by capabilities in science and engineering. Its unique work-live-play-learn environment enables the integration of industry-centric developments with residential communities, lifestyle options and educational institutes to provide a vibrant environment for innovative minds to congregate, collaborate, and create.
Visit Lift Manager website to find out more information on the service.
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