Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants

Nuclear safety management

TÜV SÜD nuclear safety analysis helps minimise risk throughout the entire project lifecycle with safety assessments in accordance with international standards

TÜV SÜD nuclear safety analysis helps minimise risk throughout the entire project lifecycle with safety assessments in accordance with international standards

What is nuclear safety management?

Nuclear safety management involves thorough safety analyses and assessments throughout the entire NPP lifecycle to demonstrate that hazards are controlled and managed in a safe manner. These safety assessments must be performed in accordance with national and international standards.


Why is nuclear safety management important?

Due to the complex safety requirements for NPPs and other nuclear facilities, an impartial and comprehensive assessment is required to ensure that all the required standards are adhered to. These assessments will also facilitate timely modifications and improvements throughout the plant lifecycle that are vital for ensuring safety, reliability and availability of NPPs.


TÜV SÜD helps to minimise your risk throughout the entire project lifecycle.

Our nuclear safety assessments include deterministic analyses of safety systems, structures and components, or risk assessment methods and tools using probabilistic safety assessments as well as safety management and safety culture assessments. We evaluate safety reports, hazard analyses and risk analyses during the design, construction, operational and decommissioning phases.


Our nuclear safety management services include:

  • Deterministic safety analysis

  • Comprehensive assessment services of plant’s safety concept during design and operational phases
  • Assessments cover defence-in-depth concepts including diversity and redundancy of systems and components as well as internal and external hazards. 
  • Thermohydraulic codes used to analyse design basis accidents with and without loss of coolant (LOCA)
  • Assessment of reactor core design and fuel elements regarding criticality safety
  • Safety classification of systems, structures and components
  • Power supply concepts including emergency power supply
  • Ageing management
  • Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG)


  • Reliability analysis and risk management

  • Assessment of balance of plant design and safety concepts with Probabilistic Risk Assessments
  • Analysis of weak points
  • Evaluation of countermeasures
  • Reliability investigations
  • Availability analysis
  • Simulation of plant and system behavior
  • Analysis of impact of plant changes to the safety level
  • Optimisation of strategies for testing, repair and maintenance
  • Hazard analysis, risk analysis and management
  • Risk-informed plant assessment and optimization
  • Cost/ benefit analysis
  • Systematic Human Factor analysis
  • Retrospective incident investigation


  • Safety management

  • Assessment of setup and application of safety management
  • Support in evaluation of safety culture
  • Advisory and review of operational procedures, including severe accident management guidelines

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