Investigation to establish the baseline level of potential contaminants in soils and groundwater
Investigation to establish the baseline level of potential contaminants in soils and groundwater
An Environmental Baseline Study (EBS) is an intrusive soil and groundwater investigation to establish the baseline level of potential contaminants in soils and groundwater beneath a concerned site and to assess the extent of contamination of the site. In Singapore, EBS is required as part of Jurong Town Council (JTC) Corporation lease agreements which include new leases, transfer, lease extension and lease termination. EBS is also required by National Environment Agency (NEA) to be conducted when changing land use from industrial to residential.
TÜV SÜD PSB has more than 20 years of experience in conducting EBS for over 150 sites in Singapore. According to JTC Guideline on Environmental Baseline Study (2019 Edition, latest edition), an EBS will include development of work plan, preliminary investigation, field investigation, selection of soil and groundwater quality standards or screening level and reporting.
The analytical parameters for soil and groundwater are based on JTC Guideline on Environmental Baseline Study (2019 Edition) and the latest Dutch Standards.
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