Sustainable supply chain

Sustainable supply chain management

Ensure sustainability throughout the supply chain

Ensure sustainability throughout the supply chain

What is sustainable supply chain management?

Sustainable supply chain management involves assessing your procurement processes through the lens of environmental and social responsibility. TÜV SÜD's sustainable supply chain services help your organization develop a more responsible supply chain.

Sustainable sourcing and procurement practices have many benefits and can reduce your company's environmental impact. It can help promote overall quality and business resilience, ensure compliance with regulations and safety standards, as well as meet environmental and social responsibility goals. However, because supply chains stretch across multiple countries and sites, the process of ensuring your suppliers are taking environmental and social responsibility into consideration can be complex.


Why is supply chain sustainability important?


ms sustainabilityYour sustainability business practices should resonate with your suppliers in order to improve your sustainability quotient. Responsible supply chain management is important because it ensures your suppliers are following effective environmental, social and economic governance practices, which in turn reflects back on the footprint of your organization. Assessing your supply chain will help you identify supplier’s current compliance status.



Be confident in your sustainable supply chain

TÜV SÜD partners with corporations worldwide to address responsible supply chain governance. With our portfolio of audit services and management system certifications, our experts can help you assess and verify sustainable practices throughout complex and global supply chains. The Implementation of practices and procedures for sustainable supply chain management can provide valuable support across supply chain activities:

  • Screen new suppliers: Perform a reliable and consistent supplier evaluation or qualification process on all potential suppliers to ensure they meet the minimum standards. 
  • Establish standard information benchmarks: We help you understand and identify the social, ethical and environmental conditions of individual suppliers. 
  • Identify gaps: Establish current sustainability issues and use these as a starting point to discuss how each one can be addressed.
  • Initiate continuous improvement: Upgrade operations of your suppliers from a long term perspective by following iterative improvements.
  • Measure success: Monitoring performance through audits helps verify whether improvements are being made and how.


OUR Supply chain management services

Our portfolio of responsible supply chain services includes:


  • ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management

    This international standard helps organizations with global supply chains to understand their level of risk and gives them a framework to act on any weak points.

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  • ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management

    ISO 22301 helps organizations identify potential threats to critical business functions and design a business continuity management plan.

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  • Audit Services - Second party audits - Gap analysis
    • Second Party Audits: Our supplier audit includes a detailed assessment of your entire supply chain, ensuring transparency.
    • Gap Analysis: To reduce supply chain risk and ensure stable operations, our expert auditors perform supply chain gap analysis

    Please note that we cannot provide second party audits and supply chain gap analysis to companies that hold a valid accredited management system certification under TÜV SÜD. However, we will be happy to work with you to identify opportunities for collaboration.

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  • Responsible Supply Chain Initiative

    The RSCI framework allows companies to demonstrate their full transparency to external parties about the working conditions, safety, and remuneration.

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  • German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

    The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) came into effect on January 1, 2023. It applies to companies in Germany with a minimum of 3,000 employees starting from 2023 and subsequently extends to those with at least 1,000 employees from 2024.

    The primary components of the due diligence obligations involve establishing a risk management system to identify, prevent, or mitigate the risks associated with human rights violations and environmental damage. These obligations apply to the company's business operations, as well as the activities of contractual partners and other (indirect) suppliers. It contains a list of 11 international recognized human rights conventions (e.g. ILO core labor standards) and 3 environmental conventions (Minamata Convention; Production and use of persistent organic pollutants, POPs; Basel Convention).

    Management system standards (MSS) help companies to effectively manage operations and supply chains, with enhanced risk management and adherence to applicable laws and regulations.

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  • ESG Supplier Audits

    TÜV SÜD's ESG Supplier Audits address the pressing need for robust risk management in supply chains amidst growing ESG concerns. By evaluating supplier alignment, resilience, and adherence to ESG principles, you can build resilient supply chains that meet ethical standards and regulatory requirements.

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  • Social Compliance Audits

    In today's regulatory landscape, businesses face increasing pressure to uphold human rights and social compliance standards throughout their value chains to mitigate legal risks and safeguard their reputations. Businesses can build trust with our Social Compliance Audits.

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Check our classroom course:

Sustainable procurement training course


By aiming for a green supply chain, you can gain the following benefits

  • Enhance customer trust – Seize the opportunity to meet and exceed customer expectations by confirming overall accountability and compliance. 
  • Reduce environmental footprint – Supply chain sustainability is a key component of wider corporate sustainability initiatives.
  • Improve business resilience and transparency – Holistic supply chain governance ensures compliance with laws and regulations as well as adherence to and support of international principles for sustainable business conduct.


esg supplier audit, man standing, audit

ESG Supplier Audits

Ensure your suppliers align with your sustainability goals

Learn More

ISO 28000

ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security

Effectively mitigate supply chain risk

Download now

ISO 22301

ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System

Ensure continuity of critical business functions in the event of disruptions



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