Adding value with our service portfolio
Adding value with our service portfolio
1) Use of the Marks is governed by the Testing and Certification Regulations, TÜV SÜD Group and Clause 8 of the Technical Requirements for Management System Certification:
8) Use of the TÜV SÜD Certification Marks and Accreditation Marks (“Collectively the Marks”)
8.1 The issue of the Certificate entitles the organisation to use the relevant TÜV SÜD Mark(s) in accordance with the provisions set out therein. If the Certificate bears an accreditation Mark, or the organisation has been advised that TÜV SÜD is accredited for the process(es) certified, then the appropriate accreditation Mark(s) may be used together with the relevant TÜV SÜD certification Mark(s).
8.2 The TÜV SÜD Mark shall only be used by the certified organisation and shall always be used in conjunction with the organisation’s name, certificate number and in connection with the process(es) listed in the Certificate. A copy of the use of the TÜV SÜD certification Mark(s) and accreditation Marks shall be provided upon registration of the Certificate.
8.3 The TÜV SÜD certification Mark(s) and accreditation Marks may be used:
The organisation shall identify the processes to which the Certificate applies when using the Marks in a context where the scope of the certification is in doubt.
8.4 The Marks shall not be directly applied on the organisation’s product and its packaging or be associated with the organisation’s product in such a way as to imply that the product itself is certified by TÜV SÜD
8.5 The Marks shall not be applied to laboratory test, calibration or inspection reports, certificates, email signature and certificate attendance.
8.6 Textual presentation
The use text to advertise a successful certification, is allowed. There shall not be any additional statements that go beyond the actual contents of the certification mark nor shall there be any falsifying or misleading statements.
Examples of permitted statements:
Examples of non-permitted statements:
8.7 The organisation shall discontinue immediately the use of the Marks upon expiry or revocation of the Certificate, or for whatever reason(s) as decided by TÜV SÜD
8.8 All materials including but not limited to letterheads and advertisement brochures containing the Marks shall be submitted for TÜV SÜD's written approval prior to their use and or release to the public.
8.9 Upon any reduction of the scope(s) of certification, all materials including but not limited to letterheads and advertisement brochures containing the Marks shall be submitted for TÜV SÜD's written approval prior to their use and or release to the public.
2) Each certified organisation is given a Certificate, which will indicate the Marks allowed for use.
3) A certified organisation may use the given Accreditation Mark. However, the Accreditation Mark must be used together with the respective certification Mark. The Marks are to be positioned sideby-side and boxed up together.
4) Refer to the specimens of the Marks for the colour breakdown and the types and sizes of fonts.
5) Refer to the attachment for the examples of use of the Marks.
6) Approval from TÜV SÜD is required for the use of the Mark prior to printing. You could email your request to us.
7) TÜV SÜD reserves the rights to make amendments to this set of instructions and customers will be informed via written notice of any significant changes.
Approval from TÜV SÜD Malaysia is required for the use of the Mark prior to printing. Please contact Quality Assurance Department regarding such requests at [email protected] or call 03-7859 8822
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