Functional safety vehicle

ISO 26262 Functional Safety Certification Programme (FSCP)

Delivering real business benefits across key segments

Delivering real business benefits across key segments

What is FSCP?

The Functional Safety Certification Programme (FSCP) is a personnel certification programme that demonstrates an individual’s proficiency in the IEC 61508 functional safety standard and related industry specific standards like ISO 26262 for the automotive industry. After successful completion of the FSCP programme the expert receives a FSCP certification which provides evidence of their qualification, knowledge and experience in the automotive industry.

Why is the FSCP according to ISO 26262 important?

Gaining an FSCP ISO 26262 certification provides functional safety experts and their companies with multiple benefits:

  • Ensure that you meet the demands of the business and the ISO 26262 standard
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of functional safety with a widely recognised certification and become part of the official TÜV SÜD functional safety expert listing
  • Enhance your career as a functional safety engineer, professional or expert
  • Maintain a competitive advantage by building internal competencies to tackle functional safety projects effectively and efficiently

TÜV SÜD’s FSCP ISO 26262 certification is widely recognised

As an internationally accredited ISO 26262 testing body, TÜV SÜD is one of the world’s leading experts on functional safety and a founding participant in the establishment of the ISO 26262 standard. Our functional safety team was established more than 30 years ago, and has accumulated a strong track record. Today, we support OEMs and automotive suppliers globally with our testing services and are recognised worldwide as a trusted and independent partner to the automotive industry.

Our expert training programmes provide you with the latest functional safety knowledge and best practices and our highly experienced course leaders support you throughout the training period by answering your questions and providing you with essential knowledge. 

When you pass the qualifying examination, we present you with the corresponding FSCP certificate and a signature stating your qualification, as well as a listing on our website.

TÜV SÜD’s ISO 26262 FSCP services for automotive experts

As an accredited service provider, TUV SUD offers the opportunity to verify your specialist expertise in functional safety. We offer three levels of certification that ensure functional safety professionals are certified to the highest standards of quality. After you pass the examinations, we present you with a TÜV SÜD certificate confirming your knowledge status and title. All globally recognised examinations are held in English language.

  • Level 1: ISO 26262 Functional Safety Engineer

    Candidates are assessed based on their foundation knowledge of the ISO 26262 standard.

    Exam: 3 hours with multiple choice questions

  • Level 2: ISO 26262 Functional Safety Professional

    Candidates are assessed based on their foundation knowledge and practical application of the ISO 26262 standard.

    • Up to six years of relevant industry experience (dependent on academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree counts for 2 years; Master’s degree for 3 years; Ph.D. for 4 years)
    • Two references as evidence of participation in 2 functional safety projects
  • Level 3: ISO 26262 Functional Safety Expert

    Candidates are assessed based on their foundation knowledge and practical application of the ISO 26262 standard.

    • Up to 10 years of relevant industry experience (dependent on academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree counts for 2 years; Master’s degree for 3 years; Ph.D. for 4 years)
    • Two case study submissions demonstrating in-depth knowledge and application of functional safety practices in a business environment
    • Competent in communications about functional safety

For your application as Functional Safety Engineer, Functional Safety Professional and Functional Safety Expert, please send us your data and required information via E-Mail. 

Find here a list of FSCP Automotive ISO 26262 Certified Persons 


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