MRT Train Malaysia

Complete Railway System Services

Put safety at the heart of your railway operations

Put safety at the heart of your railway operations

What are complete railway system services?

Complete railway system services require a holistic in-depth knowledge of the entire railway system with all its subsystems including infrastructure, rolling stock and signalling, as well as experience in operation and maintenance. Authorities, train operating companies and infrastructure managers need to ensure that both traditional and modern technologies are correctly and safely integrated across the complete rail system. Each subsystem must operate safely and reliably alone as well as part of a complete system. Besides technical safety, further aspects such as operational safety and cyber security must be understood to ensure overall safety.

Why is the safety of complete railway systems so important?

Conducting overall train and railroad safety assessment provides you with multiple benefits including:

  • Ensuring that all subsystems work safely and reliably alone and when combined as complete systems
  • Ensuring compliance by taking all requirements into account
  • Minimising risks by addressing safety issues as early as possible
  • Saving time and money by avoiding costly and time-consuming delays and rework

TÜV SÜD’s COMPLETE railroad and train safety services are INTERNATIONally recognised

TÜV SÜD has been in the rail business for almost half a century and is recognised worldwide as railway safety assessor by many railway and national safety authorities. We provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to ensure that your various systems function safely and reliably, both on their own and in conjunction with each other. Our team of multidisciplinary rail experts understand the complex interlinking of rail tasks and support you in managing the technical and operational aspects of complete railway systems. TÜV SÜD combines a pragmatic approach with in-depth technical evaluation to achieve compliance with all relevant requirements.

TÜV SÜD’s complete railway system services

TÜV SÜD provides a comprehensive range of inspection, testing and certification services for complete railway systems.

  • Technical inspection and assessment

    We offer comprehensive testing services, from planning to implementation and commissioning. Our experience in integration of individual subsystems to form complete systems, spanning knowledge of interfaces, maintenance and operations, provides operators, integrators and authorities with comprehensive support, enabling them to excel in safety, reliability and operational performance.

  • Independent safety assessment

    We assess the safety and reliability of your systems, from electronic and mechanical components, operating systems and subsystems like rolling stock and signalling, to the integration of all subsystems into a complete system to ensure excellent operational performance. As independent testing organisation we are experienced in supporting leading railway partnerships, authorities, operators, infrastructure managers and suppliers, covering both mainline and urban transit operations.
  • Management and entire system certification

    TÜV SÜD’s testing services for management system certification support you in meeting the requirements of internationally recognised standards like IRIS, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, to ensure safety and improve your product’s marketability for entry into new markets. Additionally, the entire system certification allows you to demonstrate readiness for operation.

  • Rail safety analyses

    TÜV SÜD provides various analysing services like damage and cause analyses, gap analyses as well as RAMS and CSM analyses.

  • Training

    We provide customised in-house training for regulations, standards and operational rules.


Assuring the Safety of Hydrail and Hybrid Railway Equipment and Systems
White paper

Safety of Hydrail and Hybrid Railway Systems

Increase safety and reliability with risk assessment practices.

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The Future of Rail Automation

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The New Era of Rail Innovation

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Rail Essentials

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