Bakun Dam Malaysia Inspection

Hazard and operability study (HAZOP) procedure

Improve plant safety with hazard and operability studies.

Improve plant safety with hazard and operability studies.

What is Hazard and operability (HAZOP) procedure?

The HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Study) procedure was developed by the English ICI group of companies. In a HAZOP study, a multidisciplinary team of external and internal experts uses a systematic approach (based on “guide words”) to identify possible hazards resulting from deviations from the process design associated with the operation and modification of the plant or installation. The HAZOP team evaluates the causes and consequences of each deviation, the existing safeguards as well as the preventive measures to develop corrective actions. The HAZOP procedure is applicable to all types of specific operational sequences and can be used for planned and existing systems. It is most effective when conducted during the conceptual design phase where recommendations affecting the general design may be made.

Why is it HAZOP important?

HAZOP studies offer a systematic method to improve plant safety by considering technical and organizational hazards, potential human error and external influences. In addition to determining which safety measures provide genuine benefits, HAZOP studies can also help identify the best solutions for functional safety assets of process control. The results can be used to reduce the likelihood of costly and time-consuming malfunctions while increasing operational safety and availability. HAZOPs are able to cover existing standards as well as new complex technologies that can consequently improve the insurance terms of a plant.

How can TÜV SÜD help me with HAZOP?

TÜV SÜD is an independent and trusted service provider with many years of experience and expertise in carrying out HAZOP studies and other systematic analyses. We offer comprehensive technical advisory services and support for a systematic analysis of your plant based on the HAZOP procedure, with the aim of improving safety and ensuring compliance to relevant laws, codes and standards. Our experts provide objective facilitation of a HAZOP study, ensuring that brainstorming meetings are well structured and performed systematically, encouraging creative solutions and supporting in the analysis and documentation of the HAZOP results.


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What does HAZOP involve?

TÜV SÜD provides technical advisory services for the systematic analysis based on the HAZOP procedure as follows:

  • Identification of the necessary scope of the analysis and selection of the necessary documents.
  • Moderation of the HAZOP meetings by an experienced, independent team leader.
  • Recommendation of experts or specialists required for the HAZOP team. 
  • HAZOP study with the help of modern data processing and presentation techniques. 
  • Documentation of the HAZOP study results. 

Furthermore, we also provide support in the application of other systematic methods such as failure analysis, event sequence analysis and fault tree analysis.


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