Your regular update for technical and industry information
Your regular update for technical and industry information
On 3 April 2019, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) published a new version of technical report CEN/TR 15371-2:20191. The technical report contains replies to the requests for interpretations, raised by the CEN member bodies regarding the understanding of the EN 71 series’ chemical standards for toy.
Only the requests that can be addressed by an interpretation of the standard are contained in this technical report. For those that reveal a deficiency in the standard will result in a proposal for an amendment of the standard.
In this update, an interpretation for the EN 71-3 categorisation of cosmetic crayons and pliable body paints was added.
Product |
Toy Material Description |
CEN interpretations |
Cosmetic crayons |
Pliable body paints |
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