IT Penetration (White hat) Testing

IoT Security Services


TÜV SÜD South Asia understands the complexity of IoT and connected systems and will assess the highest risk systems and communications, so you can focus on the entry points that matter. Working closely with your team, we’ll develop comprehensive threat models of your entire system that can evolve and live with your complete product lifecycle and help you identify and mitigate the most critical issues, as well as provide a document of your product’s security posture.


  • In-depth assessment - TÜV SÜD can tailor a unique program to suit your organization’s needs. We can provide penetration tests on a regular basis spanning different areas with differing requirements to ensure the overall security of your business.
  • Relevant certifications - The improved IT infrastructure as a result from the penetration test can work in conjunction with other industry standards. TÜV SÜD is a one-stop provider for your other certification needs and services including ISO 27000 and Payment Card Industry compliance.


  • In-depth assessment - TÜV SÜD can tailor a unique program to suit your organization’s needs. We can provide penetration tests on a regular basis spanning different areas with differing requirements to ensure the overall security of your business.
  • Relevant certifications - The improved IT infrastructure as a result from the penetration test can work in conjunction with other industry standards. TÜV SÜD is a one-stop provider for your other certification needs and services including ISO 27000 and Payment Card Industry compliance.
    Detailed report including risk assessment – Our experienced security experts will provide detailed documentation of the outcome of the penetration test and assess the risks of the identified vulnerabilities.
  • Suggestions for solutions/improvements – By performing penetration tests, TÜV SÜD's experts not only expose security gaps; they also advise companies on how to close them.
  • Verification of the effectiveness of implemented actions/improvements – Companies have the opportunity to verify the success and effectiveness of their corrective actions in a follow-up test


Our penetration and system analysis testing goes beyond basic analysis to consider the whole ecosystem of the IoT technology, covering every segment and how each impacts the security of the whole. Our testing includes the IoT mobile application, cloud APIs, communication and protocols, and embedded hardware and firmware.

Hardware testing

TÜV SÜD will examine the physical security and internal architecture of the device – including internal components – to determine the breadth and depth of its physical attack surface. This service may include component indication, firmware extraction, identification of test points, and reconfiguring the device’s hardware to bypass authentication, intercept traffic, and/or inject commands that may pose a significant risk to your organization and clients.

Protocol testing

TÜV SÜD will test communications to and from the device. This includes testing the cryptographic security of encrypted transmissions, the ability to capture and modify transmissions of data, and fuzzing of the communication protocols. We will assess the security of communication protocols and determine the risk to your organization and clients.

Firmware Analysis

TÜV SÜD will extract and examine the content of the firmware in an attempt to discover backdoor accounts, injection flaws, buffer overflows, format strings, and other vulnerabilities. We will also assess the device's firmware upgrade process for vulnerabilities and perform a secure boot review process to ensure that public key encryption and upgrade functionality is secure.


Designing hardware is often the first step of a major project and can determine your limitations and weaknesses. This service provides your engineers with one-on-one time with our security consultants during design time. We offer consulting from the ground up so that hardware issues don’t become the Achilles heel of your software security architecture.

Helping Prepare, Plan, and Architect Security for IoT Implementations

If the forecasts are correct, by 2020 billions of IoT devices around the world will be connected to the Internet. As organizations move quickly to capture space in this emerging market, it is important to prepare, plan, and architect security into IoT projects from the very beginning. Device authentication, encrypting sensitive messages, and being able to verify the integrity of patches or software updates are just a few of the areas in which our experts can provide valuable insight and guidance.


Within TÜV SÜD, internationally accredited certification bodies offer services for various management systems. We have extensive experience in auditing and certifying a wide range of internationally recognized management systems. Our experienced team of consultants will guide you through the process, from on-site audits to certification. We will help you to identify opportunities and minimize potential risks. By being your partner, your company’s commitment to the safest standards will gain global recognition.


Improve marketability - By initiating the penetration test, companies demonstrate their commitment to IT security. This increases the company’s reputation and builds corporate and consumer trust.

Boost productivity - Through the reduction or elimination of downtime and financial loss caused by potential attacks and system vulnerabilities achieved after the penetration test, you minimize business risks and improve productivity.

Gain a competitive edge - Along with TÜV SÜD’s portfolio of systems and solutions, your organization gains a strategic advantage within the industry.

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