Comprehensive Training, Examination, and Certification Services Tailored to Your Industry Needs, Backed by Global Accreditation and Expertise
Comprehensive Training, Examination, and Certification Services Tailored to Your Industry Needs, Backed by Global Accreditation and Expertise
Today’s industry needs cross-disciplinary knowledge to achieve the maximum quality, reliability and safety. Constantly changing functions in mobile and stationary systems require companies to reach high levels of expertise, particularly with regard to safety, in order to master this complexity. Safety regulations insist that persons with responsibilities in these environments must possess adequate specialist knowledge.
Employers must train and certify their functional safety employees to meet the demands of the business and standards. The FSCP confirms the individual as an expert in the Process industry and is a highly sought-after qualification. For a business, having a team of certified professionals demonstrates its commitment to functional safety and fulfils one of the requirements of IEC 61508- IEC 61511 qualification
The Certification Scheme for Persons FSC (functional Safety Certification) is a comprehensive scheme which provides the examination and certification of individuals seeking to demonstrate their knowledge and/or competence in their field of operation. The scope of FSC includes, all levels of qualifications, Functional safety Engineer, Functional safety certified professionals and Functional Safety Expert (Yet to published).
The reference standards for body of knowledge shall be taken from IEC 61508:2010 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems (07 parts) and IEC 61511:2016 Functional safety instrumented systems for the process industry (03 Parts)
IEC 61508 deals with the entire safety lifecycle of safety systems, from foundation to critical level. IEC 61508 is considered a basic standard for functional safety and is generic. Hence there is relation of IEC 61508 with other standards such as 61513 for the nuclear sector, 62061 for the machine safety sector, and 61511 for the process control sector.
Persons, departments, organizations or other units which are responsible for carrying out and reviewing each of the safety life-cycle phases shall be identified and be informed of the responsibilities assigned to them (including where relevant, licensing authorities or safety regulatory bodies).
Persons, departments or organizations involved in safety life-cycle activities shall be competent to carry out the activities for which they are accountable.
The participants those who are working for SIS systems shall have a minimum, the following items should be addressed when considering the competence of persons involved in the SIL activities as the requirements of the industry. Participants shall be assessed for following competencies during the certification process:
The Certification Body is entitled to suspend or cancel the certification because of any of the following but not limited to:
Certified candidates shall perform the duties by following the given code of ethics of TÜV SÜD PC by signing the application form.
A candidate has right
To complaint against any inappropriate practice coming on his/her way during the complete certification process
Communication with customers is an important element of service optimization. Apart from information about our services and handling of inquiries, follow-up of customer feedback including customer complaints represent effective ways of increasing customer satisfaction.
Every customer has the right to state whether he/she is satisfied/dissatisfied with our services. The handling of such customer feedback is a touchstone of our attitude towards our customers. Customer feedback provides us with valuable suggestions for continuous quality improvement. We can then systematically evaluate and use such feedback.
Rapid and objective responses to customer feedback make our customers feel that they are taken seriously and understood. We thus enhance customer satisfaction with our services and strengthen customer loyalty.
Appeal: Request by the provider of the object of conformity assessment to the conformity assessment body or Accreditation body for reconsideration by that body of a decision it has made relating to that object.
Complaint: It is defined as a formal expression of dissatisfaction made by any Interested Party against the certified client or by the client against the Certification Body activities.
Well-defined certification criteria, Independent and reliable examination, Continual process of improving qualification and its recognition, World-wide recognition
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