Electrical, electronic or programmable electronic (E/E/PE) components and systems are increasingly responsible for the safety of plants and machines in the manufacturing sector, in the process industry but also in conventional power plants. According to studies, the main cause of their failure is systematic errors. In order to avoid this, all relevant functional safety standards require the introduction and maintenance of quality management for functional safety. The aim is to analyze the processes, qualifications and responsibilities over the entire life cycle of the safety-related systems and components, to standardize them as required and to continuously optimize them. Manufacturers are just as responsible here as operators.
Our experts will be happy to support you in setting up a functional safety management system adapted to your operational framework or in evaluating or optimizing an existing system
As an international standard for functional safety in the automotive industry, ISO 26262 applies to electrical and electronic vehicle systems with hardware and software components. It defines the requirements for the safety-relevant functions of the system and the processes, procedures and tools used in the development process and ensures compliance with and maintenance of an adequate level of safety throughout the entire life cycle of a vehicle.
Assessing the safety of a vehicle’s electrical and electronic components according to the ISO 26262 standard offers you, as a car manufacturer or supplier, a number of advantages:
TÜV SÜD is one of the world's leading organizations in the field of functional safety for the automotive industry. Our Functional Safety team was founded over 30 years ago and can now boast an unparalleled track record in this area. For example, we were actively involved in the introduction of the ISO 26262 standard and are internationally accredited as a test center for ISO 26262. We now support car manufacturers and suppliers to the automotive industry all over the world. We are an internationally recognized, independent trusted partner of the automotive industry. With our globally recognized TÜV SÜD certification mark for ISO 26262, you prove that your products meet the requirements of the ISO 26262 standard.
TÜV SÜD has a worldwide network of experts for functional safety in the automotive sector. Our experts support you with extensive knowledge of the ISO 26262 standard and extensive industry experience at each of your locations, worldwide. We offer you a comprehensive service portfolio for assessment, testing, certification and training and support you in the area of functional safety along the entire value chain in the automotive industry.
With our comprehensive services in the area of ISO 26262, we offer you a uniform framework for guaranteeing the functional safety of your vehicles within the scope of the standard.
Our experts work closely with your team and ensure that you meet the requirements of ISO 26262. We support you with the following services:
• Evaluation of the existing systems with regard to their safety-related suitability
• Evaluation of the development processes including GAP analysis (weak point analysis)
• Assessing the suitability of development processes to achieve security goals
• Hazard analysis and risk assessment
• Evaluation of system security (FMEA, FTA etc.)
• Evaluation of the concepts for system security
• Evaluation of processes for hardware development and analysis (FMEDA, FTA etc.)
• Evaluation of software development and analysis techniques
• Evaluation of the management of the interfaces between automobile manufacturers (OEM) and suppliers
TÜV SÜD assesses your products based on your development documentation and an on-site assessment. The result is documented in a technical report that evaluates your systems, hardware, software and tools.
Our services include:
• Assessment of existing systems for suitability from the perspective of safety engineering
• Functional Safety Gap Analysis
• Functional Safety System Audit
• Functional Safety (Project) Audit
• Functional safety Management system Process certificate
After successful completion of functional safety system audit for General Functional Safety Management, System/Hardware Functional Safety Management, Software Functional Safety Management and FSM Audit (project Specific), organizations will be provided a accredited certification on compliance for functional safety management.
Evaluation of systems, processes, methods and tools
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