Successful Candidate Register (SCR): TÜV SÜD’s Personnel Certification Body

Successful Candidate Register (SCR): Functional Safety Certified Persons (FSCP)

For Machinery Sector, IEC 61511/ IEC 61508, Automotive ISO 26262 and Rail EN 5012x

For Machinery Sector, IEC 61511/ IEC 61508, Automotive ISO 26262 and Rail EN 5012x

Here you will find a list of all certified persons for:

Functional safety for Machinery sector, 
Functional safety in accordance with IEC61511/IEC61508
Functional safety in accordance with ISO 26262 – automotive
Functional safety in accordance with Rail EN 5012x

Please note: The successful candidate register is updated once in a month , hence there may be a delay in display of the result.

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