bim model

BIM model check case study - TÜV SÜD ASEAN Headquarter in Singapore

TÜV SÜD ASEAN Headquarter in Singapore

TÜV SÜD ASEAN Headquarter in Singapore

BIM model checks including design reviews and BIM-based simulations for ventilation, air conditioning, WiFi as well as the façade were done in the new TÜV SÜD ASEAN Headquarter in Singapore. Spanning over 18,000 sqm, TÜV SÜD @ IBP is an office and laboratory new build. Beside design check, TÜV SÜD’s BIM model checks were done periodically with close interval during the conceptual design stage over the construction phase with integrated Scan2BIM tolerance and construction progress checks till the AsBuilt BIM development stage containing COBie, IFC and native Revit.

The outcome of the TÜV SÜD’s Model Check

  • Save 50% of the energy as compared to the old TÜV SÜD ASEAN Headquarter building through combined layout-performance-material checks
  • Avoided traditional and additional AsBuilt BIM of approximately 50-60,000 SGD 
  • Saved nearly 60% of the re-modelling costs for the contractor through a constantly improved BIM-based design for Shell & Core and Fitout with TÜV SÜD’s model checks for all 14 trade models.
  • Project contractors and their BIM modellers were trained and up-skilled along the way as well.

Reach out to [email protected] for more information. Tobias is the global manager for digital lifecycle solution in TÜV SÜD. 


TÜV SÜD @ IBP is TÜV SÜD‘s new ASEAN Headquarter located in Singapore. It started on a brownfield land at 15 International Business Park in Singapore. As an integrated office and lab facility and spanning over 18,900 sqm. TÜV SÜD @ IBP is the proof of concept for building lifecycle digitalisation from design, construction to operation.

The International Business Park (IBP) is the forerunner of Business Parks in Singapore. It is established in 1992 and standing at 32-hectares, it has since matured into a vibrant and thriving business hub for knowledge-based activities.


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