Safety assessment to meet your critical requirements
Safety assessment to meet your critical requirements
After being under lockdown for a significant period owing to COVID-19 pandemic, Indian industries are now gearing-up for a restart. And as we moved towards to the process of restart, it is important for owners & operators of plants to conduct a safety assessment to evaluate your current preparedness, identify and address potential gaps of the operations, processes or materials.
To support industries to assess their current processes and systems post lockdown, we are pleased to introduce you to a comprehensive Post-Shutdown Safety Assessment (PSSA) for Industries.
Based on your requirements, PSSA package will be customised for you. The programme includes:
Hazard Identification study and review:
Risk Assessment study and review:
Mechanical Integrity Assessment ensures equipment/assets are designed, fabricated, installed, operated and maintained in such a way that they provide the desired performance in a safe manner.
Our result of the assessment will include comment on adequacy of maintenance plan, suggestion on improvement with change condition, immediately required (before start-up) repairs, maintenance actions.
The entire assessment is done in three phases and depending on assessment result plant operator needs to take appropriate action.
Our TÜV SÜD experts will help you to identify the hazard associated with start-up activities of a plant, facilities or critical asset. Our site inspection will include:
Our TÜV SÜD experts will help you to identify potential hazards in a system and identifying operability problems likely to lead to nonconforming products / process. Our HAZOP study will help you to identify and assess current mitigation measures and their reliability which includes below but limited to:
*Based on your specific requirement, the service may / may not be included in your package.
Our TÜV SÜD experts will help you to understand the risk associated with hazardous activities, a numerical estimate that will result from the probability of occurrence and a calculation of the single loss expectancy (SLE) of an asset. Our QRA study includes below but limited to:
*Based on your specific requirement, the service may / may not be included in your package.
Our experts have developed this program to help industries to assess their process and systems for a smooth restart and continue business process post the end of lockdown and thereafter. Our experts will conduct the necessary assessment to identify and evaluate the potential gaps potential gaps, and provide you with further investigations depending on the criticality of operation, process or material.
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