We at TUV SUD strive to bring onboard people who come with passion, dedication, who has fire in their belly. With an expanse spreading across the entire India, we have a very diverse resources working with us.
Our presence
With 33 locations including 14 laboratories and headcount of more than 2000 employees, we have presence across South Asia to cater to our clients as well as aspirants.
Generations working in tandem
We have employees working from all generations, thus giving a good mix of experience and ideas.
Gender balance
TÜV SÜD has been striving for increasing the women in the workforce, not just at the professional or managerial roles but also in leadership roles.
Qualification mix
Being a part of TIC Industry, TÜV SÜD enjoys a mix of resources coming from different qualification streams, from Commerce, Arts, Science, Engineers as well as PHDs.
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II - Unconscious Bias and Recruiting
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III - Unconscious Bias and Career Development
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IV - Unconscious Bias - Let's summarize it
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Driving Gender Balance
Companies with diverse workforces are better placed to succeed when dealing with demographic and economic challenges. TÜV SÜD thus aims to significantly increase the proportion of women in professional and managerial roles and started an initiative for driving the topic of Gender Balance.
Our commitment
TÜV SÜD aims to provide men and women with equal opportunities for development.
By deciding to implement the Gender Balance corporate initiative, TÜV SÜD is taking deliberate steps to encourage women to take up professional and leadership roles and join strategic HR development programmes.
To drive sustainable change, the actions we take in this respect will address organizational and structural issues as well as individual and cultural levels.
To promote and enhance gender balance, TÜV SÜD is addressing the entire employee life cycle and will further expand its Life Balance programme for a better work-life-balance.
Female Leadership
The members of our Board of Management have confirmed these goals by signing a statement to that effect and provided a clear starting signal for on-going implementation of the strategy. The measures address various fields of action including HR recruitment, HR development and working conditions, e.g. on appointment committees both genders must be represented and alternative management models are fostered.
"We are convinced that companies with gender balance at senior levels outperform all-male or all-female teams “, says Gabriele Sommer, Global Head of Human Resources. Please get some impressions about this initiative here.
In the next few years, we will be looking to shape working conditions and show the potential that inspires each employee and each manager to raise the power of a diverse workforce. Of course we will have to face many challenges and there are still many steps on our way. The support of our leaders will help the cause: “You can count on my support to ensure that women are able to participate and benefit equally alongside their male colleagues to enhance the success and sustainability of TÜV SÜD” confirmed Ferose Oaten, CEO TÜV SÜD South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
Our commitment
TÜV SÜD aims to provide men and women with equal opportunities for development.
By deciding to implement the Gender Balance corporate initiative, TÜV SÜD is taking deliberate steps to encourage women to take up professional and leadership roles and join strategic HR development programmes.
To drive sustainable change, the actions we take in this respect will address organizational and structural issues as well as individual and cultural levels.
To promote and enhance gender balance, TÜV SÜD is addressing the entire employee life cycle and will further expand its Life Balance programme for a better work-life-balance.
The future is diverse. Let’s make the most of it.
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