certification mark

Certification mark for climbing holds

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Adding value with our service portfolio

Certification mark for climbing holds


The certification mark applies to climbing holds and climbing aids on artificial climbing structures such as those found at indoor climbing centres.

Basis of certification:

The certification mark is awarded within the framework of voluntary testing and certification. The certification mark was developed for climbing holds on artificial climbing structures such as those governed by the EN 12572-1 and -2 standards (Artificial climbing structures – Part 1: Safety requirements and test methods for ACS with protection points; Part 2: Safety requirements and test methods for bouldering walls). In the test, the products must fulfil further requirements regarding fracture strength beyond the requirements of the EN 12572-3 standard (Part 3: Safety requirements and test methods for climbing holds).

Key words of the certification mark:

  • Breakproof
    The statement “Breakproof according to TPS standard” is primarily based on the requirements regarding tightening torque, protection against breaking off and load tests of the test programme (“TPS Standard”) developed by TÜV SÜD Product Service. In addition to the EN 12572-3 standard, the holds are subjected to a break test.

    Within the scope of the test, the climbing holds which are only supported at their edges are bolted with the maximum possible torque to simulate high bending stresses. The test is considered successfully passed if the climbing hold either withstands a deformation of 20mm without breaking or if it breaks, but the broken parts are still held together (e.g. by fabric).
  • Safety tested
    The voluntary certification mark with the statement “Safety tested” is issued for products, indicating that the product was tested and certified by the independent third-party organisation of TÜV SÜD Product Service for conformity with the essential technical safety requirements.
  • Production monitored
    Periodic surveillance of the manufacture of a product constitutes the basic premise for certification which includes the award of a certification mark. Certification always requires product testing and regular factory inspections.

    As a third-party expert organisation, TÜV SÜD verifies that the manufacturer is able to maintain consistent quality in line with the requirements throughout high-volume production and has established the necessary quality system, including incoming goods inspections, lists of materials and final product check.

    In addition, calibration of the necessary measuring and monitoring equipment must be ensured. Depending on the certification mark, the experts also take samples from ongoing production for further laboratory testing. Surveillance and/or monitoring covers the testing of safety-critical components and other materials used.

    If unauthorised changes are made to the product, the certificate will be withdrawn and the TÜV SÜD certification mark may no longer be used.


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