Laboratory refurbishment in Germany
Laboratory refurbishment in Germany
HVAC design for constructability and design for maintainability reviews and HVAC normative compliance checks were done on chemical industrial corporate laboratory extension project spanning over 14,200 sqm. TÜV SÜD model check was also done during the technical design stage. TÜV SÜD model check including design review only took 4-man days.
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Reach out to [email protected] for more information. Tobias is the global manager for digital lifecycle solution in TÜV SÜD.
As one of the top 5 global chemistry corporates with Commercial Real Estate (CRE) assets in over 80 countries, they run extensive and recurring laboratory construction projects in both green and brown fields. Due to extensive government testing and medical development, the laboratories need to be built within the allocated time and budget. Since 2018, BIM model check has become an integrated part of its building quality & risk management strategy. TÜV SÜD is the mandated 3rd party general quality auditor across design and construction stages, including BIM management. BIM model check helps to reduce audit time and benchmark the project quality over other projects in other countries.
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