Your regular update for technical and industry information
Your regular update for technical and industry information
At the beginning of November 2016, operations were officially launched at the DYCOT laboratory in Bezděčín. As with all TÜV SÜD Czech laboratories, tests are performed here either for the purpose of developing of vehicles and vehicle parts (verification tests, e.g. checking the conformity of production series), or for homologation (approval) tests.
In addition to the technical equipment of the laboratory, which was described in the last edition of the TÜV SÜD Automotive E-ssentials, an important instrument for any laboratory is to be covered by various authorisations and accreditations. These determine the markets on which the test reports can be used, and the approvals issued on the basis of these reports. During October and November, the DYCOT laboratory was verified by auditors from VSCC of Taiwan and the Czech Institute of Accreditation. As a result of these assessments, the credentials of TÜV SÜD Czech were extended to include Taiwan. Furthermore, the laboratory is accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard for performing tests at the DYCOT facility and at the Bezděčín laboratory in general. Accreditation from the Czech Institute of Accreditation together with additional credentials of TÜV SÜD Czech gives rise to the possibility of conducting homologation tests in the DYCOT laboratory, on the basis of which manufacturers are issued a homologation under the ECE/UN regulations or EU legislation.
In the following we provide further details regarding the main homologation or approval tests which can be carried out in the DYCOT laboratory on vehicles and their systems and components.
The ECE regulations have parallels in the VSTD regulations for Taiwan; all are part of the aforementioned authorisation of TÜV SÜD Czech from VSCC. In addition to this, some countries have a self-certification system, and therefore no special authorisation is required for conducting the tests. These countries include, for example, the US, Canada, South Korea and countries of the Persian Gulf. All of these territories have their own regulations which are similar to the ECE regulations, and tests in the DYCOT laboratory may, of course, be used for demonstrating conformity with the local regulations.
Focusing on the European area, the output of the homologation tests according to the ECE regulations is a test report, which can be used for various authorities to issue homologations. In the Czech Republic, the authority is the Ministry of Transport and the homologations with the E8 mark are the most frequent products of homologation tests in the DYCOT laboratory. If the customer is interested, however, homologation can also be carried out by other authorities where TÜV SÜD Czech is accredited, for example KBA (Germany, E1), RDW (the Netherlands, E4), VCA (Great Britain, E11) and others.
For further Information please contact is via [email protected]
Your benefits of our new DYCOT laboratory |
The equipment at the DYCOT laboratory makes it possible to carry out homologation tests quickly and efficiently while ensuring exact compliance with the test pulse. The supervision of an expert and the rapid provision of homologation are – together with the test – the overall homologation package of services, which TÜV SÜD Czech can provide to the customers. |
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