Gain quick and easy access to our more than 50 years of experience in the nuclear energy sector with remote inspection
Gain quick and easy access to our more than 50 years of experience in the nuclear energy sector with remote inspection
Remote inspections using augmented and assisted reality are becoming a key element of the testing, inspection and certification sector. It enables inspectors to access digital information and overlay it with the physical world, resulting in
With the travel restrictions caused by pandemic or other safety precautions, remote inspection represents a more flexible, sustainable and convenient way of inspection and helps our global customers to maintain supply chains while reducing their carbon footprint. Remote inspections enable quality control and quality assurance activities to continue to maintain manufacturing schedules without compromising on safety and quality. Our remote inspection involves live-streamed audio-video conferencing as well as advanced functionalities that will assist the inspection process such as document sharing, camera zoom and flash-light control, on-screen chat, and screen captures. They give you access to a larger pool of experts without geographic restriction, allowing you to benefit from our 50+ year of experience in the nuclear energy sector regardless of your location. Our secure data transfer and processing make sure that your sensitive data is protected all the time. You can also join the inspection remotely, saving you time needed travel to the location. Your benefits include:
Higher efficiency
Customer, manufacturer and TÜV SÜD technical expert who are either on-site at the facility or off-site in an office or home will have multi-party communication during the remote inspection so that they may direct the on-site personnel to look at, move or focus on another equipment as necessary.
Lower costs
Decrease travels costs and carbon footprint markers by reducing travel of personnel.
Expediated project delivery
Deploying real-time video inspection using smart glasses remotely to help maintain global supply chains and operational timeline when health and safety restrictions challenge business continuity.
Access to large pool of experts and know-how
Remote inspections can provide easy, real-time access to many different experts with different needed know-how. Complementing our innovative remote visual inspection technology is our extensive global network of offices and an unrivalled ability to supply qualified and experienced inspectors locally, without the need to incur cross-border travel risks.
Secure data transfer
Using secure, cloud-based collaboration technology at vendor sites provides security and very high-quality video.
Site Selector
Middle East and Africa