Your access to global markets in a single step with our CB certification

Your access to global markets in a single step with our CB certification

What is the IECEE CB Scheme?

The IEC System for Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE) Certification Body (CB) Scheme is the world’s first international system for the mutual acceptance of product safety test reports and certificates for electrical and electronic equipment, devices and components.

Based on internationally accepted product safety standards, the IECEE CB Scheme relies on a global network of CB testing laboratories (CBTLs), who are responsible for testing products to applicable technical standards. Product test results are then submitted to national certification bodies (NCBs) in CB Scheme member countries, who can authorise legal access to CBTL-tested products without additional testing.

What are the benefits of the CB TEST?

Presently, there are more than 50 CB Scheme member countries around the world, including European Union (EU) Member States, the U.S., China, India, Korea and Russia. Manufacturers using the CB Scheme testing can potentially gain access to every CB Scheme member country without the need for expensive, duplicate testing.

Further, CB Scheme applicants are often given priority consideration by NCBs since, apart from CB testing, no additional testing is required.

TÜV SÜD is an active global participant in the IECEE CB Scheme

We operate CB Scheme-authorised CBTLs that can test electrical and electronic products under nearly all 23 CB Scheme product categories. In addition to CB Scheme product testing, TÜV SÜD is also a recognised NCB under the CB Scheme. As an authorised CB scheme certification member, we provide certifications to many electrotechnical products after testing them at our associated CBTL. Some of them include the following.
• Household equipment
• IT and office equipment
• Electronic controls
• Switches and automatic controls of home appliances
• Medical electrical equipment
• Lighting
• Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) of product

TÜV SÜD provides global market access for your products

As one of the most competent companies providing CB certification in India, our team of specialists works with you through the entire product development cycle to add value and help you to deliver safe and reliable products. TÜV SÜD technical professionals are actively involved in international advisory boards and standards development activities, ensuring up-to-date knowledge of current and changing requirements.



  • Why CB certificate is required?

    The CB scheme, under which authorities issue a CB certification, is an international system for the mutual acceptance of product safety test reports and certificates for electrical and electronic devices and parts. Manufacturers that have undergone CB test and CB scheme certification can potentially gain access to other CB Scheme member countries, eliminating the need to undergo extensive, duplicate testing. A CB scheme applicant enjoys NCB’s priority consideration, as it does not require additional testing.

  • What countries require CB Scheme?

    CB certificates are progressively acknowledged as the prerequisite in countries that are not members of the IECEE scheme. The IECEE CB scheme helps manufacturers create an easy route for exporting electrical products into markets worldwide.

    Currently, over 50 countries worldwide have participated in the CB scheme certification. Some include Austria, South Korea, India, China, Greece, Hungary, Singapore, Japan, Canada, Thailand, Germany, etc.

  • What is a CB Test?

    A Certification Body (CB) test is an internationally accepted certifying system to approve certificates and product safety test reports for electrical and electronic equipment, components, and devices.

    A CB certificate and the CB test report help manufacturers quickly apply for the national certification marks based on the various target markets they are exporting to. After completing the test through competent CB scheme certification organisations like TÜV SÜD, the products do not have to undergo multiple tests for export.


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IECEE CB scheme

5 things you need to know about IECEE CB scheme

Learn about the CB scheme to export your electrical and electronic products more quickly around the world.

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