ISO 30415: 2021 GUIDELINE

ASSESS THE Implementation of the ISO 30415 Diversity & Inclusion Guideline

The ISO 30415 Guideline on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) was issued in May 2021 by the ISO (International Standard Organization).

The concepts of diversity and inclusion are emerging worldwide as a fundamental value within the workplace, as a backbone of organisations' sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies, and as a tool to improve resilience and reputation.

Diversity refers to the characteristics that determine differences and similarities between individuals and that influence the identity and perspective that individuals bring with them to the workplace. Inclusion refers instead to the set of inclusive practices towards all the stakeholders present in the context of the organisation.

The objective of the ISO 30415 guideline is to provide an approach to the interpretation of the  D&I theme through the integration of the principles of diversity and inclusion in organisations mainly in the following areas: Inclusive culture; Human resource lifecycle management; Design, development and delivery of products and services; Supply Chain Management and Stakeholder Management and Involvement, stimulating a clear definition of Roles and Responsibilities within the Organisation as well as paying attention to its own D&I context;

ISO 30415 therefore provides guidelines on:

• Fundamental principles and themes of Diversity and Inclusion

• Integration of D&I principles into an organisation's strategies, systems, practices, and processes

• Standard elements with which organisations must measure themselves and integration with ESG and Sustainability themes and strategies

• Importance of the results and improvement of the performance of an organisation

TÜV SÜD Group supports companies as a third party, using independent personnel, appropriately selected with the most suitable skills. The Assessment is generally developed ad hoc, according to the needs of each Organisation. The methodology used was developed and tested within the TÜV SÜD Group.


• Support Organisations that intend to give a formal and integrated framework to their initiatives in the field of D&I

• Increase standardisation in the field of D&I and Sustainability and the comparability of actions

• Promote a common terminology in the field of Diversity and Inclusion

• Provide guidelines on the identification of relevant issues and the involvement of stakeholders

• Provide guidelines for self-assessment of the level of integration of D&I principles applicable to all organisations (private and public of different sectors)

• Support to respond to the equity issues recalled by the Next Generation EU Goals and UN SDGs goals



Assess the implementation of the ISO 30415 Diversity & Inclusion guideline

Create an inclusive culture with a diverse workforce

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