Increasing transparency in food quality

Transforming food information access digitally

Transforming food information access digitally

Earn consumer trust in your food product with product testing label

"How can valuable knowledge by relayed to the customer in a cost-effective, 
digitally transformative way?"

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

The digitally savvy consumer of today is hungry for information, expects an interactive experience with brands and is highly opinionated. To keep up with these informed customers, companies are continually striving to exceed their expectations, and explore new avenues for creating meaningful experiences. The consumer wishes to actively gain in-depth information about their purchases, at every stage of their decision-making process.

A critical component of this is delivering the right information, at the right time, with the right technology. Food Safety 4.0 is a tech-led movement, built with a distinct aim to help businesses improve their performance and influence the customer purchase journey.

What is Food Safety 4.0?

Derived from Industry 4.0 principles, Food Safety 4.0 is not only a reflection of how things are done differently, but also a digital revolution shaping the way businesses interact with their consumers. Food Safety 4.0 is a movement with a vision to digitise processes and achieve more at every stage of the food safety value chain.  

To create maximum impact, brands must evolve digitally in the food production chain too. 

The diversity problem

Since digital platforms in today’s information landscape are so diverse and multi-formatted, often valuable information can get lost in the mix. Brands need a standardised mechanism that is simple to use and even simpler to implement. How can valuable knowledge be relayed to the customer in a cost-effective, digitally transformative way?

The versatile QR code is the answer

Brands can now share up-to-date results to satisfy the information hungry customers of today through digitalisation. With digital device penetration at an all-time high, customers can discover product information quickly.

TÜV SÜD’s Product Testing Label uses a simple QR code to deliver impactful information via direct interaction with the product’s packaging. Brands can place this QR code on their products and consumers can access information with a simple, quick smartphone scan. How does this impact operational costs? Major communication, design and testing revamp costs can be avoided, as the QR code is simpler to execute.

Here’s three ways how the Product Testing Label can make a real difference to your products and consumers:

  1. Always stay ahead
    Access to product quality information is a global concern and is vitally important in the food safety value chain. TÜV SÜD conducts regular and independent testing in conjunction with company product controls, and this information can be shared with the QR code. This way businesses can maintain a competitive edge with regular testing.
  2. Quick response is the best response
    The Product Testing Label QR Code is a simple way to engage with consumers by offering them a wealth of product information in a simple format. With the QR code, you can embed information with ease and finesse, and not overload the consumer’s purchase journey. The QR code is versatile, meant to illicit quick responses and is for the customer who wants to stay connected.
  3. Independent testing for complete transparency
    Tests involved in Product Testing Label are conducted independently - where  verifies the composition of your products, thereby validating your product claims. Not only does this show commitment to higher standards, but also transparency with the end consumer. Our services include:
    ● Developing product-group specific test plans including parameters, and random sampling schedule
    ● Regular laboratory analyses: microbiological/chemical analysis and sensory testing
    ● Initial declaration/label checks
    ● Unannounced independent external sampling
    ● Provision of relevant test parameters on our TÜV SÜD website

    These services provide verified composition information with ongoing measures to validate your product claims.
  4. Positively impact consumer confidence levels
    Food Safety is a global concern and consumers seek scientific evidence behind every brand’s product claims, to ensure that their food safety needs are sufficiently met. We are able to tailor our tests for a wide variety of food products, as we have experts and specialised resources to help us achieve the highest standard in product testing. More than just a label of accuracy, our Product Testing Label comes with industry confidence from our accredited test labs and highly trained experts around the world.

With TÜV SÜD, step into the Food Safety 4.0 age.

Our knowledge will help you build brand trust, loyalty and gain confidence with the consumer. Optimisation of food safety process requires digital intervention and the time for transformation is now. Contact us for more details and let’s make an impact, together. 


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