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EU: CEN publishes EN 71-3:2013+A2:2017

September, 2017

On 9 August 2017, the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) published new amendment (A2)1 to toy standard EN 71-3:2013 migration of certain elements. The Members of the CEN have begun to adopt the new standard and publish their own national version by 28 February 2018. It will become the harmonised standard which give presumption of conformity to the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC once published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

Other amendments on new lead limits and exclusion on hard polymers are undergoing development. The publication of the major revision of EN 71-3 is expected for 2019.

The changes to new version EN 71-3:2013+A2:2017 are summarised as follows:

 Section Modification
Annex F "Methods of analysis for speciation of Chromium (III) and (VI) a. Replaced "Autosampler flush solvent 2% methanol/ 95% HPLC-grade water" with "Autosampler flush solvent 2% methanol/ 98% HPLC-grade water" for LC-ICP-MS Chromatographic settings in table F.2.
Annex G "Method of analysis for organic tin (see H.10)"

a. Added “NOTE It is important that calibration solutions for the requirements of Category I and II are adapted accordingly” for G.5.2 Calibration standards;

b. Added Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) mode with an example of MRM data and Chromatogram as an alternative analysis mode.

Annex H "Rationale" a. Added a new paragraph to H.10 "Organic tin" to emphasize the laboratory should take care of the quality and purity of the derivatisation reagent. This is because the inorganic tin substances can react under certain conditions with the derivatisation reagent sodium tetraethylborate to form organotin compounds (especially methyl tin) and may lead to false positive results for organic tin.
Bibliography a. Added the following literature to the bibliography:
[13] ISO/TS 16179, Footwear - Critical substances potentially present in footwear and footwear components - Determination of organotin compounds in footwear materials


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