Construct safe, smart and sustainable buildings
Construct safe, smart and sustainable buildings
TÜV SÜD는 모든 종류의 승강기, 에스컬레이터, 무빙워크, 크레인, 호이스팅 장비의 안전성 및 가용성을 위한 폭넓은 서비스를 제공합니다.
Find out how Lift Manager provides the highest lift safety and reduces lift maintenance and repair costs in TUV SUD’s new ASEAN Headquarter
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Read how Lift Manager is retrofitted into the lift system of a research and business park in Singapore.
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Understand the challenge of energy security in developing regions, how TÜV SÜD can help manage energy savings.
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The development and benefits of BIM and how to implement it.
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Middle East and Africa