SCC Certification Mark

Adding value with our service portfolio

Adding value with our service portfolio


* restricted certificate for small-sized organisations
** unrestricted certificate for larger organisations
P unrestricted certificate for the petrochemical industry


Management system certification / Voluntary assessment

Basis for Certification (certification standard):

SCC standards of DGMK (particularly SCC checklist)
(Safety Certificate Contractors)

Standard owner:

Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e. V. (DGMK)
(German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology,


What does the standard SCC cover?

The standard SCC defines the requirements for a certifiable occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system of an organisation. SCC (Safety Certificate Contractors) was developed for organisations planning to act as contractors, and includes safety, health and environmental protection requirements (abbreviated: SHE). These requirements include, but are not limited to:

  • The organisation has established a suitable SHE management system, which includes mechanisms for organising SHE in the organisation, hazard assessment, on-site communication with customers and plant operators, self-assessment of SHE performance (in particular in the case of accidents, near misses and unsafe situations), prevention and correction of accidents and diseases and the continuous improvement of the organisation’s SHE performance.
  • The organisation analyses and considers the SHE requirements of its customers and the requirements of the applicable codes and standards.
  • The certified organisation defines the processes, roles and responsibilities required to ensure SHE and carries out regular surveillance to meet the specific requirements of the standard, legal requirements and requirements of the German Institutions for Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention, customer- and industry-specific SHE requirements.
  • What does “certification” and/or the issue of a certification mark for SCC by TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH mean?
    • The customer has submitted to voluntary assessment (audit) according to defined criteria (certification standard).
    • A certificate and/or the authorisation to use a certification mark is only issued if the assessment (audit) does not reveal any major nonconformities with the requirements of the certification standard.
    • The certificates and/or certification marks are valid for a restricted period of time. Interested parties can check the validity of individual certificates in the certificate database of TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH and on the DGMK website ( möglich.
    • To maintain certificate validity, the certificate holder must annually complete an announced audit with a positive result.
    • Unannounced audits are possible in specific cases.
  • How do we audit?

    Independent and qualified experts (auditors) apply the following auditing techniques:

    • Document review:
      Evaluation of the organisation's provisions and/or documentation to ensure compliance with all SHE requirements according to the SCC standard.

    • On-site audit:
      Assessment of the implementation of these rules in practice in the form of interviews and inspections, both on site at the certified organisation and on site at the premises of the customer of the certified organisation (e.g. at work sites or projects). Random checks on site of processes and situations on the basis of records, such as the availability of documentation of hazard assessment, job and role profiles, induction and instruction records, test reports, inspection and audit reports, minutes of meetings, training and qualification certificates, investigation reports of accidents, near-misses and unsafe situations, documentation of defined objectives and the resulting improvement projects on site.
  • What is beyond the scope of certification according to SCC?
    • Certification according to standard SCC does not constitute product certification. Certification thus does not provide any direct statements on the safety of a product or service of the certified customer. Certification according to SCC does not mean that the company manufactures products or provides services of higher quality.
    • Certification according to SCC does not ensure that all relevant legal SHE requirements, SHE requirements of the German Institutions for Accident Insurance and Prevention, or other SHE requirements, e.g. customer- or industry-specific requirements, are fulfilled in all cases, even though this is one of the key objectives of an SHE management system.



Management System Certification Marks

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