Customised to address your challenges
Customised to address your challenges
While you have not consciously made any changes to your corporate processes, you suddenly notice that things are not running smoothly in some areas of your company. This may concern customer-related performance indicators, but also targets in the fields of compliance, processes, innovation, and employees. Individual KPIs are in a downward spiral, the early warning systems in your control cockpit are flashing red, and you and your team simply cannot find the cause.
Or perhaps you are currently engaged with a completely different question, such as: Why has our churn rate almost doubled in the last three years? Why do we sell product x more frequently in Berlin than in Munich? Why has the rate of customer satisfaction in the field xy dropped drastically? How can we improve the service quality of our franchisees throughout the world? How do we ensure that our suppliers comply with the standards we have defined?
Our well-proven auditing methodologies and certification-related support services form the basis for our Audit Services, providing professional solutions to your challenges.
With comprehensive methodological knowledge and long-standing experience gathered in the audits we have carried out, TÜV SÜD can provide appropriate services.
Depending on your specific needs our services can be combined as relevant. Talk to us, so that we can offer a solution which supports you in getting the job done.
Please note that we cannot provide Audit Services to companies that hold a valid accredited management system certification under TÜV SÜD. However, we will be happy to work with you to identify opportunities for collaboration. The service is not applicable to manufacturers of medical devices.
Management system development and implementation activities are not included in our service portfolio. On request, we will be pleased to provide you with suitable contacts from our network of qualified collaboration partners.
Our Audit Services at a glance:
The three Audit Services modules:
Internal audits / 1st party
TÜV SÜD provides internal audits for the assessment of your management system. We review your company's organizational and operational structures to check whether they are in conformity with the requirements of the relevant standard. The results are documented in a report, which shows deviations from defined requirements & audit criteria that enables your organization to prepare even more effectively for its certification audit.
Supplier audits / 2nd party
Our supplier audit includes a detailed analysis of your entire supply chain, ensuring sustainable transparency for companies and consumers. The second-party audit assess your supplier’s conformity to agreed requirements. Identification of gaps and opportunities for improvement is vital to professional supplier management. Based on TÜV SÜD supplier audits and the audit reports which shows you if your suppliers meet your defined requirements you gain valid insights on the performance of your suppliers. This input supports you in developing your existing suppliers.
Process audits / VDA 6.3 & others
Based on standardized process audits, we assess the resilience and efficiency of your processes, sub-processes, and corporate systems. The results of these audits provide the basis for future decisions in your quality management. In addition to single process audits aimed at preventing and correcting process deficits, as well as conventional process audits, e.g. according to VDA 6.3, which assesses serial production and service processes at OEMs and automotive suppliers.
Manufacturer audits
Manufacturer audits assess conformity with relevant standards for specific industries. Is there sufficient transparency in the products and licences used by the manufacturers and the communication of contractual content? With in-depth expertise on requirements that are relevant to your industry, our auditors assess all applicable aspects.
Focus audits
TÜV SÜD offers specific focus audits in areas such as healthcare, compliance, and service quality. Using validated research design, we perform e.g. focus audits adjusted to your terms of reference. All our focus audits are supported by technical experts and industry specialists from TÜV SÜD's extensive pool of experts.
Assessments based on company specific criteria
Are your processes compliant with the criteria you have established? Use our TÜV SÜD experts as third-party auditors to assess workshops and carry out supplier audits and other audits and assessments according to your wishes. By outsourcing your internal audit measures, you prevent your results from being impaired by ’tunnel vision’. Benefit from the impartiality and objectivity of our TÜV SÜD auditors!
Gap analysis
A gap analysis, also known as delta analysis, forecasts operational and strategic business trends from the baseline assumption that the company will continue its operations as before based on the established processes of an organisation. The expected development of the target figures is determined by applying statistical forecast methods to extrapolated historical values. In a second step, the forecast result is compared with the requested target. Once this is done, gap analysis visualizes the difference, delta, or gap between the requested target and the potential development.
Employee surveys
Depending on your terms of reference and objectives, we can conduct various types of employee surveys on your behalf: individual campaigns, including opinion polls and employee climate surveys, but also periodic and systematic employee surveys as an integrated part of your management system. Employee surveys offer a host of benefits, from improving employee satisfaction and motivation to enhancing work atmosphere, targeted employee qualification, and improving service quality for customers, to name a few.
Customer surveys
Customer surveys measure your customers' satisfaction with your service and product quality. They also provide important information on customer expectations, customer needs, brand awareness, and your company's reputation within your defined target group. As customized solutions are becoming increasingly important, particularly in the era of digitalization, customer surveys may be able to identify enormous opportunities.
Mystery analysis
Mystery analyses are ideal tools to examine service quality and customer focus in your company. Their best known forms include mystery shopping, mystery calls, and mystery mailings. We provide test customers from your target group with in-depth training in mystery analysis, and give them targeted analysis assignments based on defined test criteria. Their impartial external findings may uncover ‘blind spots’ in your company.
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