Based on statistics released by the European Rapid Information System (RAPEX) for toys, softlines, hardlines and electrical products; below is the annual overview of product recalls in 2018 comparing to 2017.
Click here to view and download the full infographic.
Click to download the full report for Toys, Softlines, Hardlines and Electrical products.
The official contact points of the EU Member States and EFTA-EEA countries provide the information that is published in these weekly overviews. Under the terms of Annex II.10 to the General Product Safety Directive (2001/95/EC), responsibility for this information lies with the notifying party. The Commission does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided.
The Commission's reuse policy is implemented by Commission Decision 2011/833/EU of 12 December 2011 on the reuse of Commission documents (see 'Legal Notice')
Reuse of information from the weekly reports is authorised provided the original meaning or message of the notifications is not distorted and the source is acknowledged as follows: “Weekly overview reports of Rapid Alert System notifications, published free of charge in English on, © European Union, 2005 – 2017”.
If not specified in the report, the risk and non-compliance refer to the risk to consumers' health and safety. However, as of 2010, the weekly reports also include a separate section on professional products posing a risk to health and safety and, since 2013, products posing other risks that are protected via specific EU legislation (e.g. risks to the environment and security). A separate section has also been added for measures taken against products posing risks that are considered to be less than serious. Be aware that proprietary brands, designs and logos that appear in this listing may have been used by economic operators in violation of intellectual property rights and thus without the legitimate owner's knowledge and/or permission. This page also lists other EU Member States that have taken measures against the notified product on their market.
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